2 dropdown list in loginview


Mar 27, 2008
I have a problem with 2 dropdownlist inside logiview. how we can fill second dropdownlist filtering by first dropdownlist?.

example :
when i select "animal" on first dropdownlist, the second dropdownlst will only show "dog", "cat", "fish", etc...
when i select "vehicle" on first dropdownlist, the second dropdownlist will only show "car", "truck", "motocycle", etc...

n more important is the 2 dropdownlist inside loginvie..

Please help me??:confused:
Yeh, if you want a more specific answer, you need to specify the type of data container (dataset, list).

It would make a difference in implementation if the dropdowns were databound.

If the dropdowns are not databound and you are using a simple list structure, you need to relate the lists in dropdown A with the list that would be shown in dropdown B and use an event to load dropdown B, such as SelectedIndexChanged.