
  1. W

    Listview icons in header but not in rows.

    In VB.net 2005. I attach an imagelist to a listview in details mode so that I can put icons on the column headers to indicate sort direction. This works fine but it also puts a blank area in front of every row inserted into the listview, presumably it is space for an icon. I will not be having...
  2. G

    How to Extract 8-bit Icon from File

    I need a way to extract an 8-bit icon from a file, specifically an exe. I've tried using ExtractAssociatedIcon, but that only extracts 32-bit icons, and I have not found a way to convert it to 8-bit. Thanks! grantman16
  3. P

    Button / Icon in Caption Bar

    Hello, I would like to have a custom button, near minimize and maximize buttons in the Caption Bar and be able to write code behinde for that button, just like some applications do, like GetRight or TeamViewer. See the picture. Thank you