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Found 3 results

  1. I have an annoying problem. I have tried everything I could think of and anything google gave me and nothing is working. I have a form in a split panel. It contains panels and the panels contain the labels and text boxes. I carefully resize and move the text boxes and labels, save. When I open the form again or run the application the panels and textboxes has resized iteself to be squished up and moved some of the labels underneath the text boxes. This is driving me insane. Please help.
  2. Hey everyone, I am hoping that this site will offer the expertise, and hopefully the assistance that other sites have been unable to give. I asked the question that follows on STACKOVERFLOW (my local place for assistance) a week ago, with no luck, and today posted on the msdn dev forums which has also received no information.... I shall begin... My Aim: I intend to make a program, which has two (potentially more) components. The first is a Windows form, nice and clean with some options on for a user to choose. In the most basic example, a user can choose an executable and push a button. This choice is then saved 'somewhere' and passed to our second component, the windows service, which then checks if its running, and if it is, kill the process. Currently I have the service working by itself, with a hardwired executable (calc.exe) and it runs smoothly, ending that ***** whenever it pops up. However my attempts to pass information from a windows form to the service have all failed. I have tried various things such as: string[] myArgs = new string[1] { textBox1.Text }; serviceController1.Start(myArgs); or... serviceController1.Pause(); serviceController1.Continue(MyArgs); Neither work... So I pose the question, is it possible? I thought it was, as an Antivirus/Firewall (take Nortons) has a front end GUI which passes stuff to the backend. Btw this program will be installed with ADMIN Privileges. Is there an alternative to what I am trying to do? Am I going about it wrong? Here is the original link: StackOverflow Question Thanks everyone
  3. I've searched everywhere online and can't find anything on this. Is there was any way to migrate all controls from form to form? I've tried For Each Ctrl as Control in Form2.Controls Form1.Controls.Add(Ctrl) Next I get skipped controls and ect... but... If I try to get the name of each control For Each Ctrl as Control in Form2.Controls Debug.Print(Ctrl.Name) Next It does not skip any and the debugger prints every control's name just fine. Any Ideas? This is really bothering me.
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