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  1. P

    line break - xml

    Eg. "This is Line 1.\r\nThis is Line 2" Before exporting, c# will print out correctly, This is Line 1. This is Line 2 After the string, "This is Line 1.\r\nThis is Line 2" being export into xml. and import back, output or print the string.... it is literally the string "This is Line 1.\r\nThis...
  2. P

    serializing empty xml element

    Hi, i am using System.Xml.Serialization; how can i serialize an empty element output <something /> ? currently, after serialize an empty element, it wont show, only not null element wil be output. Please advise.
  3. P

    serializing collection into xml

    Hi, is there any way to serialize a collection into xml? i've tried using [XmlRoot] , [XmlType] in the collection class but cant. Please advise.
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