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  1. 3

    Pointers and Casting in C#/.NET

    I have some C++ code that I wrote while at Uni (I'm in a year work placement at the minute) that's along the lines of: ClassA* p_classA; ClassB* p_classB; ClassC* p_classC; switch(someInteger) { case 1: p_classB = new ClassB; p_classA =...
  2. 3

    Multiple Forms :(

    *sigh* I'm almost embarrased to ask. This is in C# for Visual Studio 2005 by the way. I've spent a few hours last night and literally *hours* trying to figure this out today, and can't for the life of me get it to work. There's a fair amount of threads on this already, but the majority...
  3. 3

    FontDialog - Limiting the Availible Fonts

    Hi, Is there any way I can limit the fonts shown in the fontDialog component to specific fonts? I like being back to set label.Font = fontDialog.Font; so I'd like to use the fontDialog if possible rather than creating my own, but I can only allow certain fonts to be shown. I haven't...
  4. 3

    TreeView Scrollbars

    Hi again :) I've spent too much time reading around for information on this, and trying for myself.. I know it's probably something obvious that I'm not going to find.. I have a TreeView that scrolls vertically due to the amount of nodes, but *dosen't* scroll horizontally as there are...
  5. 3

    Dynamic TabPages

    Hi, I'm writing a user interface for an online gaming system (found at - it allows you to play XBox, PlayStation 2, Gamecube, PSP and Nontendo DS games online). The XLink engine, which does all the work tunneling packets over the Internet) is seperate from the UI, so...
  6. 3

    VS Express 2005 Beta 2 Error

    Hi, I've had a quick look around MSDN and the Visual Studio 2005 sections, but haven't found any information on this yet, but I have an error with C# 2005 Express beta 2. This is the error: I followed the instructions on perparing the installation if you had pre-beta 2...
  7. 3

    Custom Control (using the class rather than the .dll)

    Hi, I've just started looking into writing my own controls - I just ran through a tutorial, downloaded a few samples, played around a bit etc, and I was wondering... Is there any way to use my new controls without distributing the .dll? A project I'm working on is small and will be...
  8. 3

    Conditional Statements

    Hi again all, Sorry for the basic question, but I'm having trouble finding this information. In MSDN and on the various C# Tutorials and websites I've read, they give examples but don't give information on the flow of the program in an if statement in C#. The particular code I'm...
  9. 3

    [C++] Control Properties on Different Forms

    Hi everyone, I'm new to C++ (2 days :P), and I'm trying to make a function to show a custom MessageBox - I always used to do this in VB6 and VB.NET as imo it looks nicer in certain apps... Anyway, what I'm trying to do is create a function which can be called, and will show a messagebox...
  10. 3

    Extracting a Resource

    Using this thread by Plausibly Damp (, and various other threads, I've pretty much got the hang of how to use icons / images and such from resources. One thing I can't figure out is how to save the file - pretty much extracting the file from...
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