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  1. J

    DLL vs Class

    In my projects, I currently have a class that handles all my database connections and I copy that class into new projects as they are built. Someone suggested I move my methods into a dll project and use that instead. But I was concerned about speed and things of that nature. Can someone let me...
  2. J

    Access registry in Vista

    I have a VS2005 windows app that accesses the registry fine in XP and Windows 2000 but the key value is null when running on Vista. I've looked at KTM and TXR but am getting lost a little bit. Before I start down this path, has anyone run into the same problem and if so, how did you tackle it...
  3. J

    Display message on form from a thread

    I'm fairly amazed that I'm having trouble finding some code to do this. So I'm asking my fellow programmers. Here's my situation: my windows program currently has one form and several classes which each run a thread that performs specific tasks including downloading a csv file from an ftp site...
  4. J

    Measure Sound

    Howdy folks. I've been searching and searching but have not found a suitable solution yet. My issue is that I have an array of bytes that is holding the data of a audio signal. What I want to do is simply measure the volume. Does anyone have a direction to point me in?? I would greatly...
  5. J

    Access control from static method

    I've been at this all afternoon and can't figure a way around it. The method has to be static so that is not an option of not being static. Here's the code: private static void ConnectionFilter(String sRemoteAddress, int nRemotePort, Socket sock) {...
  6. J

    Start program after install

    Can someone direct me how to stat my program immediately after install. I'm using VS.Net 2005. Thank you very much.
  7. J

    Batch file for FTP login

    I've recently been presented with the task of getting a file from a FTP/SSL location automatically for a nightly feed. Thus far I've been able to manually do this using MoveIt Freely software that I downloaded and am are able to perform the necesary commands via command line. Now I'm trying to...
  8. J


    Has anyone found a .net library to access PGP?? I have a project in which we will be given a encrypted PGP file and the program has to decrypt, read the file and then transfer info into the database. Issue is I have not seen too many tools to access PGP from .Net. Thanks for any assistance.
  9. J

    Images do not appear in crystal viewer

    Hello all, I created a web app that is located at, for example, and it works beautifully. I then created an A record so that now when you go to it points to, or "redirects" to, Now the problem is when I go to view a page that includes a...
  10. J

    Focus on next control

    Can anyone let me know how this is accomplished in using vb?? I want to automatically tab to the next control when the control has reached its maxlength. I've done it in a windows project, but not sure for web based app. Thanks.
  11. J

    Consume XML page

    I'm trying to find the best way to read the data from an xml page that is returned to me when I access a web page. Meaning if I enter an url into my web browser with the necessary parms, then an xml file will be presented to me in the browser. I'm trying to find the best way to read the data...
  12. J

    Using an existing Crystal Report in project

    Hi All, I created a crystal report in the designer (version 9.0) and now I want to use the report in a .net that has been created. It has been updated to use cr v9 but now when I try to access that report as in the statement: Dim crReport as rpPayroll rpPayroll is not an option and...
  13. J

    Error in Formula Field not known

    Crystal reports drives me absolutely bonkers with issues like this. My problem is that I've created a crystal report that is located on the server in which the report source is a stored procedure from MSSQL. Now I have two parameter fields Start and End along with some formulas. The issue is...
  14. J

    Anchor with variables

    I have a datagrid that uses a template column. The column is basically a hyperlink to the page but with request variables. These variables are used to load a form at the bottom of the page. What I'm trying to do is go to the bottom of the page when a link is clicked on in the datagrid. I was...
  15. J

    Advantage of using dlls

    Not to bore you with details, but I am concerned about 2 things with a project I'm presently working on, first my application size is now over 9mb when compiled using over twenty forms, and secondly should I be breaking down forms into dll’s? I'm looking to see if there is a certain advantage...
  16. J

    Common Language Runtime detected an invalid program

    Has anyone else run into this issue?? I have a form with a tab control with over two thousand controls and when I go to run, this is the error I receive. Appreicate any help.
  17. J

    Prevent Enter on Messagebox to fire KeyUp event

    I have a search field that when you hit enter it fires the keyup event and loads the grid. Well, in certain cases the field has to be numeric depending upon the search criteria. Well if it is not a messagebox appears and tells the user to enter a number, the problem is if the user hits the enter...
  18. J

    Garbage Collection of Threads

    I've used threads in my apps before but wish to make sure that I'm implementing a thread correctly in this case. Here is the function I call on a form.closed event: Private Sub RefreshData Dim ThrData As New Thread(AddressOf LoadMemos) ThrData.Start() End Sub LoadMemos just simply reads a...
  19. J

    Reading a dbase file

    I'm trying to read a dbase file using the following code: Dim dbstr as String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Temp;Extended Properties=dBase III" Try myConn = New OleDbConnection(dbstr) myCmd = New OleDbCommand("Select [DB1Last] From [ACC.DBF]", myConn) myConn.Open()...
  20. J

    Installing exe to multiple machines

    Maybe this has been asked before, but I was unable to find using the search. We created an application and installed onto twenty pcs. We make changes to the program about every two weeks. So that means every two weeks, we have to put the exe in the public directory and copy and paste the new...
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