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  1. S

    Taskbar/Third Party Program

    I have a console program that runs as a type of server written by some one else. The fact that it sits in my taskbar is kind of irritating. Is there any way, using c#, to write a third party program that'll hide it from the taskbar and and my desktop entirely?
  2. S

    ListView.SelectedItems[0].Text Out of Range?

    So I have a ListView and I want to get the Selected Item's value and compare it to anothre string when the item is selected: private void lstAccounts_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { XmlElement Root = this.XmlDoc["accounts"]; foreach ( XmlElement account in...
  3. S

    c# Sorting Xml Nodes

    Okay, xml not sortable...
  4. S


    public string GetValue( string SubKey ) { RegistryKey Key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey( KeyPath ); if ( Key.GetValue( SubKey ) != null ) { string Value = Key.GetValue( SubKey ).ToString(); Key.Close(); return Value; } else { return ""; } } This...
  5. S


    this.txtMsg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; I have a multi-line TextBox that i'm appending with messages. I want to use different colored text for different types of messages. Obviously I can't set the ForeColor again, is there escape characters or something similar to use to accomplish...
  6. S

    override close event (C#)

    override close event How can I override the close event on a child window so that i can cancel it being closed without effecting the parent window? Here's the code i'm using to cancel the close event in my child window: private void StatusForm_Closing(object sender...
  7. S

    MDI Container

    I'm using c# The application I'm writing uses an MDIContainer. The wierd thing is, when i resize the form, the actual container stays the same size, leaving a gray area around it that should be part of the container, but isn't. I can see the "3d" lines showing the container staying the same...
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    Multi Line TextBox

    How can i set a TextBox to show the last line when it's multi line? I'm trying to make it a kind of status window, so i enter "some text" into it, then later "some more text" and eventually it's got enough lines that the vertical scroll bar shows up, but it stays at the top instead of scrolling...
  9. S

    Generated ListBox Items

    I've got a ListBox that has its Items automatically generated. It basically adds all the items in a directory: for (int i=0; i<sArray.Count; i++) { this.LocalList.Items.Add(sArray[i].ToString()); } How can I squeeze an EventHandler in there to each added item?
  10. S


    How would I link keystrokes to buttons on a form? The windows accessories calculator is a perfect example.
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