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    Display Message in Label when button Clicked

    Hi Guys, Im not sure what is wrong here, but i have totally no idea what is happening I have a form with 2 checkbox and a label and also a submit button. Basically what im trying to achieve is when user click submit button, it check if none of checkbox is selected, then display message in...
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    Debugging ASP.NET Page

    Hi Guys Actually im just a bit confused on page my asp page has html plus some c# code in it like this <%@ Page Language = "C#" %> <script runat = server> ...some code </script> <html> something </html> So, to debug, i change the directive to this <%@ Page Language = "C#" Debug =...
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    Help on Image Path

    Hi Guys, Im facing some problem getting image displayed on an page.. Currently this is the code i use to display an image <asp:image id="Image1" style="Z-INDEX: 107; LEFT: 0px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px" runat="server" ImageUrl="\\\Report\Images\Logo.JPG"...
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    Progress Bar color and indicator question

    Hi Guys, I wrote some simple code on having a progress bar. But i wish to do some enhancement. Its currently working as i want but i would appreciate if this two things can be completed as well. 1) Having the percentage in the progress bar itself. I mean each time it loops, the percentage...
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    Check whether executable file is running or not

    Hi Guys, Is there any way to implement the logic below Check whether Test.exe is running or not. If its running, dont do anything. If it is not running, launch it Thank you very much
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    Getting Date and Time in certain format

    Hi Guys, Im not sure why i cant get this done, Ijust want to retrieve two data 1) date (dd/mm/yyyy) 2) time (hh:mm:ss) Im doing this two statements but its not only giving me the date..I dont know why i cant get it formatted..Any help will be really appreciated...
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    Create csv file and download it

    Hi Guys, I was just wondering, how can i achieve this.. I want to create a csv file on server side and prompt user to download it using c# with I have written some codes which create a dummy text file..and some download code..but the download code does not fetch the actual test.csv...
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    The Type or namespace for activex objects could not be found

    Guys, i just developed a simple code, opening up excel file.. And i keep getting error message saying that namespace for activexOject could not be found.. I have already included Microsoft ActiveXObject reference here..still getting the error.. Aany idea how to deal with this> //...
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    Some issues on the display of data and table format

    Hi Guyz, I need so help here.. I just need some idea here on formatting the table..Actually if you look at the image attached..i want to contruct that kind of table..I know its preety simple..just some html tables tags will give me that table... But here is my problem..Actually i have an outer...
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    Open excel file at client side and gain control over it

    Hi Guys, How can i open an excel file at client side and gain control over it.. Gain control meaning a want to write to it cells by cell.. when i place data into it..i want to go by cell and sheets.. meaning like cells(1,1) = "test" Is it possible..Any reference or guidance.. Thank you...
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    Loop every 10 minutes then continue after 20 minutes

    Hi Guys, Is there any way to loop a database every 10 minutes..then wait for some time and continue again.. Is timer a good idea? will it take a lot of memory to do this? I know this api function Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" Alias "Sleep" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Private Sub form...
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    Control that can expand a list of items

    Has anyone seen a control like the one that is on dell's website. Like its a plus sign, then when you click it, the sub items expand?
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    Read from db and output to excel at client side

    Hi Guys, Have you guys seen any sample tutorial or example that teaches us how to do the following appilication 1) User click export button 2) Then the asp application gets all records from database (server side) 3) it opens excel at clients side and start to write to it... How can i...
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    Creating Hyperlink and Running Macro in Exel using C#

    hI gUYS, i have 2 questions to inquire.. 1) Lets say i want to create a hyperlink programatically using c#, HOW do i do it? Maybe i want to place a hyperlink in cells(1,1) linking to cells(1,3) 2) Is it possible to run an excel macro (placed in excel file) using c#.. Means that i open my...
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    Opening and Closing Excel File Properly

    Hi Guys, I wrote a piece of code here to open and close an excel file.. Everything works fine..But im not sure why when i go to the task manager, the instance of excel is still there running > means that the excel file is not closed properly..Do you guys have any idea what is the problem...