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  1. R

    knowing the excel sheet name

    Hi to all, I'm currently loading an excel to a DataSet and show the information in a Datadrig. Every month a new excel with the same format arrives and my application will process the information. My problem is that the name of the excel sheets don't always come with the same name, and there...
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    killing and pausing multiple threads

    hi ti all, i have 3 files that are being converted to another format. in the end there are still 3 files so i was thinking it would be better to make a thread to treat them "simultaneously". I new to threading so i would like some help. I have 3 methods that i use to inicialice the threads...
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    Context Menu and Listview

    Hi ppl, I have populated my listview with items form by database. I now want to add 2 context menu for diferent purpose im my list view: 1. If a user right clicks in an item that exist in my list view i want to show a context menu with options like "properties", "Delete", "edit", etc. 2. If a...
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    special characters

    Hi to all, I'm currently making a app that has to read 2 files and combine it all in one. The information is layout in lines. Something like this 000222333 23222323 Street number 27 6700-200 003343344 34556324 The Mall 24 5400-200 000003322 32233233 Street Hólând 33...
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    Progress Bar And Tex files

    Hi to all, Currently in my application i have to read from a huge file and make some operations with the file. Because the file takes some time to read, i would like to show a progress bar to indicate that the file is being read. My problem is that i dont know how many lines the file has so i...
  6. R

    odbc Exception

    I'm working currently in an application with access and odbc. I need to catch diferente errors that happen so i can treat them diferently. but it always returns the same exception. I want somthing like this try { execute query to the database } catch (exception file not found) { rerturn...
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    Just like Windows window

    hi to all, I'm making a windows application and i want it to be more visual and to be standard like windows, o users will easaly toogle through the application. So what i wanted to do is something like a window in windows in title mode. There woukd be icons (folders) where the user could...
  8. R

    going through datagrid

    I have a datagrid where some of the columns are editable and where the user has to insert some data like the price, his status etc. After he has entered all the information i want to go to all rows and inset that information in the database. But how to i do that?? is the information in the...
  9. R

    Menu in mdi child

    Hi to all, i am implementing a c# application where i use mdi parents and childs do i can keep the forms within a another form. In the parent form i have a menu that opens the child forms. What i wanted is the mdi child to also have a menu of its own. I have put a menu there but it simply does...
  10. R

    Tree View ImageList and double click

    Hi to all, when i double click in my tree view i change the image that displays, indicating a diferente state of that node. The images are in my imageList, and by default the images index is 0. Ok. So far so good. I have 2 main problems that are tied together. 1) When i double click the image...
  11. R

    hide Columns in Datagrid

    Hi to all, I have a DataSet which i populate it with all the information that exists in a table in my database. I will bind that DataSet to a DataGrid to show the information but i don't what to show all columns that exists in the DataSet. So how can i limit what appears in the datagrid?? do...
  12. R

    Error creating window handle

    hi to all, i'm currently developing an application to control user access to locations using finger prints. Now to each user there is a schedual associated to him that will define if he can accesse that location in that time. now i insert without problem a schedual and list it too. Now the...
  13. R

    detect browser settings

    Hi to all, i am currently working in a platform that is sensible to browser setting (i caanot change this because the platform is not ours) so i need to check the settings of the current browser so i can send errors to the screen. What i need is check to the level of security, the temporary...
  14. R

    Create zip files with

    hi to all, i'm developing a web application with and i want people to buy images online. they add what images they want and have to methods of getting the images. 1º) wants to receive them ate home (no problem here) 2º) wants to download them. the second point is where i have some...
  15. R


    hi to all, i'm currently making an web aplication that uploads a directory of images to a database. That is done and now i want to stop the user to cancel the operation while it's running. My ideia is something like this Private Sub btnUpload_Click() Try put here code...
  16. R

    System Tray

    Hi to all, i'm working currently in a windows aplication and i want to put it int the system tray. That easy and i've done that. now the aplication checks that database every 30sec (for example) to see if new information has come in. When that happens I wanted to do something like messenger...
  17. R

    Alert Server and client

    Hi to all, well this will tricky to explain exactly what i need to do. I have to implement a taxi service where you can reserve a taxi through the web instead of the phone. So the client enters the website and logs himself (ou whatever) and sends a request to the taxi service. Now here is...
  18. R

    Reseize image

    Hi to all. I searched in the forum for information to solve my problema but did not find what i need. I want to publish some images but i don't want other to use the images without bying them. my ideia is to have a reduced size of the original image with a watermark on it for people to...
  19. R

    Error creating control

    hi to all, i'm trying to build a progress bar for my page (using VB) wirh http handlers. What happens is that in visual studio in view design page i get Error creating Control i'm a little lost and don´t know what to do!! it sould work but i must be missing some detail. i have attach...
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    access hidden filds with javascript

    hi to all, i have a form and some input hidden field. I have a button with a onclick event that triggers a javascript function. What i need is when i click the button i but a value in the hidden field and then submit the form. how can i access the hidden field with javascript? thx to all