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  1. R

    Download Queue list

    I need some pointers on how to implemente this so if anyone can point me to the right direction i apreciate it. So my company has well over 600 colaborators all over the country and we want to let them download over the internet some winform applications. They would access a webpage...
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    SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON in Access So in SQL Server I could allow insert data in the identity field with SET IDENTITY_INSERT tablename ON Is there an identical way to do this in Access? thx Edit: Detected some Errors
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    HttpModule for query string encryption - Form Action problem

    Hello! I wrote a HttpModule for query string encryption so i could just encrypt automaticly the querystring when submiting pages and decrypt it back (automaticly too). I have this up and running and works perfectly for the querystring but I came into a problem. With a simple application like...
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    Word Attachment

    I wrote a web application that allows users to search words in files. These files can be .doc, .pdf, .txt, etc. Right now the search engine is working but the other day a user send a bug that the search was not seeking in files that where attached to a .doc file. I've been seeking the web and...
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    Recursion problem

    I'm tring to implement a recursive method to check the type of a control. Since i extend controls (like i have a NumericTextbox) i want to check if its base type if of type Textbox. I could do control.GetType().BaseType.Basetype (this would return TextBox) but if someday i change things this...
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    Table Layout Pan Flickering

    Hello to all, I'm currently trying to add at runtime some rows to a Table Layout Panel. With the property RowCount i can add how many rows I need. So for a test i put in a textbox and a botton and when the user clicks the button it creates the number of row indicated in the textbox and add...
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    Save image to disk from an url

    I'm having a little problem saving a image to disk. I get the image from a url, and want to save that to disk. So i just do a HttpWebRequest to the image url, get the stream and convert it to an image and save to disk. This code here is working for jpg's but its does not work with GIF. also...
  8. R

    HttpWebRequest with https

    Hi to all, im trying to send logon information via GET to a website., but i'm having some problems. I'm using 1.1 with vs2003. This is the code i have right now string sUrl; HttpWebRequest oRequest; CookieContainer oCookieContainer; HttpWebResponse oResponse; Stream oStream; StreamReader...
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    Javascript get parent

    Hi to all. I have this code in javascript var panels = new Array('panel1', 'panel2', 'panel3', 'panel4'); var selectedTab = null; function showPanel(tab, name) { if (selectedTab) { = ''; = ''...
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    Validate on a User control

    I have a very simples user control for a user to enter a date. I know i should use the datetimepicket but i got this project where they already used this control. The control has 3 dropdownlists that are day, month and year. Each of these dropdownlists theere is a default value with a string...
  11. R

    Know that a event was fired

    hi to all, I have a dll that i use to execute a dts through a c# application. The dll has 2 classes in it. One to execute the dts and the other to "catch" / treat the events that the dts fires. While the dts is executing it fires an event (among others) that indicates the progress of the...
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    A diferente ProgressBar

    Hi to all, I'm looking for a diferente king of progress bar. Well i don't if we can call it a progress bar but what i want is something like when you start windows xp and you get the black screen with windows xp logo and a that "progress bar" at the botton. Is the anything like that in .net?
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    Signal another thread

    Hi to all, I'm currently makin an application that needs to read a file and update a database with the data that the file contains. I'm using vs 2003 with sql server. My ideia is to run some store procedure in the main thread and start another thread that show a little form indicating that...
  14. R

    Load data from file

    Hi to all, i'm currently making an application that has to read data from a file (csv) and insert / update that information to a database (sql server) The file that i need to read has at least 20000 and the data that existes in the database is equally large so i guess reading all that...
  15. R

    When does an process end?

    hi ti all, I'm currently building an application that is going the execute an external application in batch mode. for (i=0;i < 10; i++) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(sAppPath,sArgs); } As you can see i need to execute this external application lots of times, but i only want the next...
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    Problems with Encrypted password

    hi to all, I'm currently workin in a aplication that is requires user autentication. I'm using vs 2003 and access. Now when i run my app the login form shows up for the user to input its username and password. If it's the first time that the user is loging in (the password is blank) a form...
  17. R

    Form KeyUp

    hi to all, I'm makin an application that when the user presses the F3 key a form will popup. I have a main form that is a Mdi_parent but when i key press it does nothing...dont understand why. Here is the code i have private void fmrMain_KeyUp(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs...
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    Reset DataReader

    Hi to all, I have an excel where i read the information to a listview. I connect to the excel file through OleDb and put it in a OleDbDataReader. Now i have 2 processes that i run with the information. The 1rst one i read each row and confirm if certain information is in the excel. Then in the...
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    hi to all, I have a list view where i fill it with items that come from the database. The user can then change the view mode to details, large icons, list, small icons. What I wanted is when a user presses the F2 key and a item is selected, it would allow the user to remame the item just like...
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    Null values in excel

    hi to all, I have an excel with some information that i want to export to a dataset and then fill a datagrid. This code here works just fine. private void processExcel() { System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter MyCommand; System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection MyConnection; dsExcel.Clear()...