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  1. Tried that but the space I had allocated to the checkpoints was too small and I didn't get to it in time.
  2. Thanks Cassio & Dodgeram01, The problems seemed to start when I had a damaged CD as Cassion described. I had to cancel the uninstall and thought I was left with a clean system. I got my hands on a good CD and tried the reinstallation but I got problems on the component setup. At that point I deinstalled everything and ran regclean but still have had no success. What ever is in there from the first component install seems to be screwing everything up. Thanks for your input guys. Eamon.
  3. Thanks Divil, You can install without the front page extensions using the command line switches but it still errors out on the VS install so I'm figuring I 've got some sort of corruption in my registry. Looks like a rebuild might be the only way out....pity cause everything else is running fine.
  4. Yeah...IIS is installed and seems to be running fine.
  5. Hi All, I having real problems installing VS.NET, specifically the Component Update. The Framework goes on OK but the Frontpage 200 Web Extensions Client exits with error code 1603. I gather from the MS Knowledgebase that this is a general error code. I switched on all logging for the MSInstaller but it doesn't tell me much either. I tried stopping all services and running the VS.NET install bypassing the component setup but the installation errors out then. I also tried installing the full frontpage 2000 app but I get the same error code. I'm running XP Pro SP1 on a Toshiba Satellite Laptop with 256MB Ram and a P4 1.7Ghz processor. My problems seem to have started when I aborted a previous install due to a damaged CD. I removed all components I could from the control panel after that. If anyone has any ideas to keep me from pulling my hair out or embarking on rebuild I'd be EVER so grateful! Cheers, Eamon.
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