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  1. I have a Winforms app that generates a crystal report. Everything works fine. I create my deployment project add the the crystal merge files - I put in the proper license number and create my setup file. I install it on my build server, test it and it all works fine. [How it Breaks] Our user base is about 200 pc's and we do new build several times a week. So when a new version is available I take the contents of the installed program and copy it down to the local pc. Everything works fine except Crystal. I get all kinds of Crystal errors. I'm assuming because I didn't install the app on the individual PC there is some cyrstal registry entry or some kind of hook not getting done. Any had this problem or any idea how I can make this deployment scheme work for Crystal?
  2. Hey Uncle - how ya been.. no talk in a long time.. Qestion I have a page that has a asp:hyplerlink control. Also this page has an object Person - properties of a,b,c. Property a is already set - I want to have a hyperlink on this page - that hyperlink will open a new window - the user can perform a search and choose an item. Then click on that item and set properties a and b back in the opening page. I can do this in traditional asp via opener and setting hidden form fields. How might I go about this in asp.net? Also how can I specify attributes in the hyperlink control to show now toolbars or urlwindow? thanks!
  3. Tried That I tried that - but according to msdn you a key pressed event only raises if a character key is pressed. So I can use the key down or key up event - but that doesn't let me cancel the key press - or atleast I couldn't find a way to cancel the event.
  4. I have a datagrid in which I have a delete button - when clicks it asks the user for delete confirmation and does some other validation checks. This works fine and all is well. BUT, if a user clicks on the entire row in the datagrid they can delete the row and bypass my column style event and validation. What event can I capture or how can I disable the user from highlighting a row and hitting delete? Note: Cannot set the datagrid to readonly because the users are allowed to modify a few columns and this is for a WinForms App. Thanks!
  5. AutIncrement is there too another attribute that is there that I always forget about is an autoincrement attribute. Works the same a an identity field in sql server -
  6. Anyone know of any way to put an image into winforms datagrid column? I know there are alot of componets that do this but for various reasons they are not an option. I need to create my own custom datagridcolumn style.. any suggestions. Thanks!
  7. I think.. I think I read it in the messageboards somewhere at sqlmag.com
  8. Its there Its there.. open your xsd in vs.net - click on the table you wish to find the info for.. then click on the element (column) you want and look in the properties window - there is a min and maxoccurs attribute.
  9. Let ADO.net handle it what you want to do is create a strong typed dataset based on your access table. Create an autonumber column. Insert,update,edit your records in the datatable - then when you are finished call the update on the dataset and it will handle assigning proper PK in your access table and it will pass and update your datatable with the key value assigned by access.
  10. IT happens I've seen that happen many times.. not sure why it happens but to fix I do this.. in Enterpise manager - go up to View and change it to Detail or Small Icons.. then chooseview again and choose taskpad. - I read somewhere this is a bug in EM.
  11. What is the proper way of getting back the autoincrement value for a column in a datatable (part of a strongtyped dataset) that I have just added a row to? I'm currently doing it by this method - after the row is created.. Dim row As adataset.mytablerow = CType(mytable.Rows(mytable.Count - 1), adataset.mytablerow) I really don't like this approach - is there any better way?
  12. Never Mind Me think me have its.. I think I got it working.. there was a dragenter sub that I did not see that was setting the effect to none if the dataformat was not text!?! .. commented out this and whamo bamo it seems to be working now..
  13. I have written some code to drag a node from a treeview control and insert it into a listview control. When I call the dodragdrop I have to pass a text string in the first value. If I try to put in a reference to the treenode the dodragdrop function does not execute. Ideally I'd like to be able to pass a datastructure to the listview dropevent to which I can grab the parts out that I need - but now I'm limited to taking the items out of the treenode that I need building delimited string, passing that then splitting it.. not ideal - any idea as to why this is happening and if there is way to pass something other than a string in the dodragdrop between a treeview control and listview control? I'm simply doing this.. Private Sub covgTree_ItemDrag(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ItemDragEventArgs) Handles covgTree.ItemDrag DoDragDrop(e.item, DragDropEffects.Copy Or DragDropEffects.Move) End Sub
  14. Works Like a Champ! Thanks much for the feedback!
  15. hello.. question I'm opening a pdf document in one of my forms via shell command (was told this is the best way) Dim regClasses As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.ClassesRoot Dim regWord As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey = regClasses.OpenSubKey("AcroExch.Document").OpenSubKey("shell").OpenSubKey("open").OpenSubKey("command") Dim adobeReaderPrintCommand As String = regWord.GetValue("").ToString() Dim fileInfo As New IO.FileInfo(pdfName) adobeReaderPrintCommand = Replace(adobeReaderPrintCommand, "%1", fileInfo.FullName()) Shell(adobeReaderPrintCommand) this works just fine and the pdf displays - question when it runs the adobe reader is hiddne behind my applicatin (which has focus) how can I switch focus to the adobe reader or bring it to the front?
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