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Everything posted by Bodybag

  1. I think i found the problem , It seems it is disconnected network drives. When i remove them the problem goes away. This quite strange because it wasn't get stuck on drive changes but on directory changes.
  2. No problems with explorer. Only when i browse in the IDE. There is almost no cpu usage.
  3. I am having a problem on vs 2003 IDE. I can't seem to browse at a decent speed . It takes up to 15 minutes to add a file. Everytime i open a directory the file browser hangs up to 10 minutes. I am getting this problem on my desktop and pc.
  4. I need to find away to detect when the scroll event of a Windows datagrid (vs 2003) has been completed. That is when the user has finished scrolling. Currently the scroll event is for each line. Thanks.
  5. We are currently busy with a Sap Health care rollout. Our pharmacy system is being written in .net (c#) and is inserted into the Sap gui as a Activex control by compiling it with a com interop and accessing it by late binding. They have requested from me to find a way to unload the dll from memory so that we can recompile it and bind it again without leaving the sap gui.
  6. I have written a small application plus dll that generates a database automation class. Where can a person upload a application like this as shareware for free. Thanks.
  7. I have written an client application that runs on mysql that downloads its data through a web service from ms sql 2000. My web service passes the data in a dataset. The problem i am having is speed. deleting the old data out of mysql and inserting the new(rewrites the old data with the updated data not all data in the tables are updated). thousends of records are sent down to the client application. I have tried using normal datasets. Much to slow. I have tried generating the deletes and insert statments. which is a lot faster . but still to slow. How can improve peformance in the deletetion and insertion. So basicly i am loopimg through the rows and columns and generating the delete and insert statement. the looping is quick. its the sql statement that takes a long time to execute. The tables are indexed.
  8. I am using connection pooling currently. I don't like using datareader.I prefer Datatables. I was just wondering if this would actualy work.
  9. What would happen if i stored a open connection object in a application variable and made it the only connection that i use.Would it improve performance.Crash out. Become terribly slow. Just an idea.
  10. Recently moved from telecomunication sector to the health sector.My job is mantaining Sql servers.Development of applications and web pages all in .net.Have been programming for a living for about 18 months.Greatest job on the planet.
  11. Have any of you worked with cache database system from intersystems.We may be getting a new app that runs on this database and i was wondering what its preformance is like.
  12. I have started work at a new company and i am having a small problem. There is absoluty no documentation in my company for software development.So what is happening now is that i am sitting programming and then the user comes in and tells me they want something different or that they forgot to tell me something. I need a document for the plain user (Specification).To tell me want they realy want.I don't get much time for planning so it has to come from them.Do any of you know where i can download a specification document like this?
  13. Example Sub clear(ByVal ParamArray obj() As Object) For icount As Integer = 0 To obj.GetUpperBound(0) obj(icount).text = "" Next End Sub You can now pass as many objects as you want and clear their text fields.
  14. Got a problem with a shortcut that you create in a setup package in .net.I need to create a normal shortcut not a shortcut that will try and fix the program if a assembly is missing.
  15. I think the question should be what do we do on a friday night.Do you drink till you drop? Do you party all night? Do you sit and watch Star trek? Do you go to bed early? Or are you like me that sometimes you go out other nights you play diablo till early in the morning.
  16. I used to visit this site a lot.But i started feeling a nasty vibe on it.People would start giving snotty answers to questions.Then there was the bragging going on as well.So i just didn't log in anymore.
  17. The small problem here was i could not use the previously coded logic. The codeing was a mess and the app was split into four databases .It was a client sided that we had to change into a server and client app .We also had to created stat webpages for the application. So basicly it was writing it from scratch.
  18. As i read through these post i realize that most people get a lot more time for planning than we are. For example we had to do a re write on an old vb6 program that looked niced but did not work correctly (Filled with gotos need i say more). We had three weeks to re write this sever and client app( The old one took a year and a half to write.).We ended up taking 6 weeks.We were given no time for planning. I would love to do more planning but alas no time.
  19. Don't worry got it working.
  20. I need to get the name of the process that has the current focus. Not the windows handle. Is there a way to retrieve this?
  21. Thanks i will try it out.
  22. How can i trieve all user accounts on a specific pc?
  23. What site can i go to get some help with windows services written in .net?
  24. I am running a windows service that has to retrieve the current user that is logged in. It is a localservice. How do get the username of the current user logged into windows. Not the user account that opened the thread because this will be the nt security account.
  25. I am having problems installing my windows service.It installs but when i strat the service nothing happens. What steps do i have to take to install a service that connects to a database.
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