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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by kservice

  1. Thanks! I'll try that!
  2. Has anyone ever tried to publish a VB.net application directly to Sharepoint? We are setting up a site that has all of our .exe's and .msi's and it would be great if we could just publish straight to SharePoint. Thanks!:o
  3. Does anyone know how to programmatically get the Font Dialog Box that opens in Word? I am currently using the vb.net FontDialog but it is scaled down from what you see in Word. I would like more features. Thanks:)
  4. Did you ever solve this? I am having the same problem and there is no mscorcfg.msc for 2.0. Only for 1.1. I have discovered that if you load the SDK you get the configuration setting for 2.0 but I am not to thrilled about having to run around to my users machines and load it. Thanks
  5. I tried the "No Border" option and it didn't help. :p The forms open "Maximized" also. Just strange! Thanks :rolleyes:
  6. I have this weird thing going on when my Child Forms open. BUT, not all the time. There is a minimize, maximize, and close button that shows up in the MenuStrip. How do I prevent this? http://rhanv.com/Kellys/Form.gif If I press the Maximize button the choices go away and the form fills the correct space. I have also noticed that on occasion the Child Form will load too high up in the Child form area. Any idea what the problem is? Thanks a bunch.
  7. It's been almost two years. I don't remember. :p Sorry!
  8. Thanks both of you. From what you gave me I got it to work exactly like I needed. Thanks again.
  9. I was looking for a regular expression because I have to replace the last comma with the word "and". I wanted to use a regular expression because I can find and replace with one line of code instead of several. Thanks for your help. :)
  10. Hi all, What would be the pattern for finding the last comma in a line of text? Ex: Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown Thanks a bunch! ;)
  11. Got it. I forgot something else. Stupid, Stupid. :o Thanks for your help.
  12. OK, here is the dumb question of the day. I have a array that is filled by a user making choices. It is currently dimmed as: Friend gstrAssemblyRemarker() As String The first time I use gstrAssemblyRemarker I get an error because it is nothing. How can I instantiate it and set a default value so that it looks like: Friend gstrAssemblyRemarker() As String = ? I cannot just check for nothing. There are 42 controls that this could apply to and I have no way of knowing which or how many will be selected. Thanks P.S. There is not a better way of doing this. I have to have 42 controls.
  13. Never mind. It can't be done. I had to rewrite the template in .Net to be able to use a .Net reference. Office 2002 can't speak .Net.
  14. I am rewriting a Word template in .Net. Most of the conversion has gone fine, but I can't figure out one thing. Does anyone know what "InchesToPoints" is now. The piece of code that I am using it in is: wdApp.ActiveDocument.DefaultTabStop = InchesToPoints(0.5) objWordDoc.Selection.ParagraphFormat.TabStops.Add(Position:=InchesToPoints(0.13), _ Alignment:=Word.WdTabAlignment.wdAlignTabLeft, Leader:=wdTabLeaderSpaces) .Net hates the InchesToPoints. Also you used to be able to toggle fonts using wdtoggle but that seems to be gone now. Is there a replacement? Thanks
  15. Hi All, I have an existing Word template that I need to have reference a .Net dll. How in the heck do I do this? If I just try and add the reference I get a wonderful generic error saying: "Can't add a reference to the specified file". What does that mean? Help!! :rolleyes: Thanks ;)
  16. I got it! ;) Thanks everyone
  17. So I have stepped through it some more and at least can dup the error every time. There are usually 26 processes running when I try this code and I get to process number 23 and it blows on "If Not (p.MainModule Is Nothing) Then". Help? :rolleyes:
  18. It fails out on the line: If Not (p.MainModule Is Nothing) Then It's like it doesn't know it's reached the end of the processes or something. Thanks
  19. Hi There, I have searched this site for "closing processes" and found some great stuff. I copied and changed some code that I found and have come up with the following function. Public Function PrevInstance() As Boolean Dim processes(), p As Process Try processes = Process.GetProcesses() For Each p In processes If Not (p.MainModule Is Nothing) Then If System.IO.Path.GetFileName(p.MainModule.FileName).ToLower() = "winword.exe" Then p.Kill() Exit For End If End If Next p Catch ex As Exception Throw Finally End Try End Function The problem is that it works great if it finds what it's looking for. If "Word" is not running than I get the following error: Run-time exception thrown: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception - Unable to enumerate the process modules. I hope it's just something small that I'm missing. Thanks for your time.
  20. Thanks a bunch I kind of figured out the same thing but your example gives me a much cleaner solution. Thanks again! :-\
  21. I need to extract a number out of a string. Ex: Session73Number Should I and could I use a regular expression and if so what would it look like. In case you can't tell, I've never written a regular expression. :rolleyes: Thanks in advance.
  22. We run everything through classes, through a data access layer to the database. I don't have any control over that. I do have an overload where I can return the data as a dataset which I have done. Now I don't know what to do. :( What I really want is a fast, efficient way to tell if the user has selected a control and changed the value in it. I actually don't care what they have changed it to; I just want to know if it is different from the value that was inserted into it from the fill. And I want to know the second they have done it. That way I can provide them with a visual cue that the record needs saved and if they exit the form or try to go to a different record I can prompt them that they made changes and either save them or ignore them What I am not visualizing is where I bind the dataset to the control and how to detect a change without writing code in every change event; which I don�t want to do. I am assuming that you would bind it when you bring it in, but then what. I don�t mind having one call in every event to a function or something but the goal is to reduce lines of code. So if possible could you please explain a little more of what I should be doing. An example is always great. Thanks for putting up with me. :rolleyes:
  23. Thanks for the suggestions. I will check it out and see if it works for me. I have just one piece of a large project and we are not binding anything yet. I like the idea though! :p Like I said, I knew what I wanted to accomplish but was unsure about the path I should be taking. You guys helped me along!!! Thanks :D
  24. Here's what I want to do. :D When I load a forms controls with values (like for an edit) I would like to capture those values and place them in a list(?) somewhere (something like an array?) so that if the user changes a value the changed event on the control would fire and that controls value would be compared to it�s matching item in the list. If it�s changed then I would have that information to be used later. Like if the user tries to exit the form without saving, ect� Ideally this would be a generic function that I could use on any form to detect changes. Thanks I hope this is clear what I want to do. If anyone has any suggestions on how to do this or have a better idea, I'm all ears (well all eyes anyway :rolleyes: ) Appreciate your time. ;)
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