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Everything posted by Datahighway

  1. Hi LeeSalter, try it with the Windows Command net use and the VB Funktion shell. I think it works fine.i Regards Datahighway.
  2. Hi , How can i check if the right or left mouse button pressed ? thanks regards Datahighway
  3. Hi alexk, i have found a sample for you. Try this . http://www.allapi.net/classlib/class.php?id=1 The INIReader class reads data from and writes data to INI files Regards Datahighway
  4. Hi Robby, OK, Sorry my Mistake.
  5. Hi Robby, i am a newbie in VB Dot. is my Solution wrong ? Or is there a better Soltution ? Regards Datahighway
  6. Hi aikeith, try this. Dim tcpClient As New TcpClient() Dim myIP As IPAddress = IPAddress.Parse("") Try 'You can change the Port 80 to whatever port you wish to hit (i.e.8080) tcpClient.Connect(myIP, 80) MessageBox.Show("Ping is OK") Catch err As Exception 'Do what you want in here if the ping is unsuccessful MessageBox.Show("Ping is not OK") End Try [edit]Changed < > tags to [ ] [/edit]
  7. Hi mulliganmark in your Module you build a Function and return a string see my Code sample Public Function myTextBox() Dim _string As String _string = " Here comes a text" Return _string End Function '------------------------------------------ This write in your Form1 Class TextBox1.Text = Module1.myTextBox [edit]changed < > for [ ] [/edit]
  8. Can you Debug the Project by pressing the Key Strg + F5 ?
  9. Hi rmatthew, have you a Solution for you Problem starting and stopping services ? I have the same Problem. I wrote a Windows Service, but i need a way to start und stop this service with a VB Programm.
  10. Hi whizlid123 Have you a Solution for the dial up session ? I have the same problem, can you transfer me a sample. Thanks regards Datahighway
  11. !!! Thanks that works fine !!! Best regards Datahighway
  12. HI Divil, can you give me a sample please ? I have try to use the Help.ShowHelp(parent,"myhelp.chm") but i got a error message. System.ArgumentNullException' What have i forgotten ? best regards Datahighway
  13. HI how can i insert a helpfile (e.g help.chm) in a vb .net program.
  14. How can i check if already framework installed. I have download the bootstrappersample.exe If framework on my computer not installed, i can install with the setup.exe my program. That works fine. But when the framework is installed on the computer i got a error message: Application Setup has failed. If the problem persists, please contact Product Support.
  15. Hi vnarod all files must be in the same folder. try this [bootstrap] Msi=ProgamName.msi 'LanguageDirectory= 'ProductName=Productname 'DialogText= 'CaptionText= 'ErrorCaptionText= 'FxInstallerPath=/.
  16. HI bigpeet can you trade you code please. I want find out my local IP from my DSL connection. Thanks best regards Datahighway
  17. HI gicio, you can download a few example from http://www.allapi.net look at Class Libary Regards Datahighway
  18. Hi whizkid123 i have found exsample for you. You can downloaded the source code from allapi.net http://www.allapi.net/php/redirect/redirect.php?action=download&id=264 Have fun
  19. Datahighway

    FTP Query

    HI , i have a Resultion for you. Use the Online Help for VS DOT NET. Keywords : TCPClient. You got Information about different Classes. e.g Networkstream. You must import the Classes System.Net.Sockets and System.Text ************************************************* Dim tcpClient As New TcpClient() ' Uses the GetStream public method to return the NetworkStream. Try tcpClient.Connect("HOSTNAME", 21) ' Verbindung herstellen Dim networkStream As NetworkStream = tcpClient.GetStream() If networkStream.CanWrite Then Dim sendBytes As [byte]() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("USRENAME") networkStream.Write(sendBytes, 0, sendBytes.Length) networkStream.Flush() Dim sendBytes1 As [byte]() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("PASSWORD") networkStream.Write(sendBytes1, 0, sendBytes.Length) networkStream.Flush() Else 'Console.WriteLine("You cannot write data to this stream.") MessageBox.Show("You cannot write data to this stream.") tcpClient.Close() Return End If If networkStream.CanRead Then ' Reads the NetworkStream into a byte buffer. Dim bytes(tcpClient.ReceiveBufferSize) As Byte ' Read can return anything from 0 to numBytesToRead. ' This method blocks until at least one byte is read. networkStream.Read(bytes, 0, CInt(tcpClient.ReceiveBufferSize)) ' Returns the data received from the host to the console. Dim returndata As String = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes) 'Console.WriteLine(("This is what the host returned to you: " + returndata)) MessageBox.Show("This is what the host returned to you: " + returndata) Else 'Console.WriteLine("You cannot read data from this stream.") MessageBox.Show("You cannot read data from this stream.") tcpClient.Close() Return End If Catch e As Exception 'Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()) MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()) ************************************************* But my Code has a mistake. I can make a connect to the ftp server, but i can not login in. I searching for a resultion this time. best regards from Germany
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