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Everything posted by modularbeing

  1. I have a template aspx that is configured by an XML document and I will be hosting a bunch of user controls on this page. I would like to define which controls are added to the page via the XML document as it changes depending on who accesses the site. I am unsure of how I could add them to the site without a select case for every type of control I might use in the XML configuration. I dont mind doing the select case but it seems like there would be a better way of doing it. any ideas?
  2. Well oddly, the backcolor property doesnt do a thing, but if I add an attribute to the control for the background color then it works fine. strange but it works. thanks for your help.
  3. The htmltablecell control does not work because the actual control on the page is a tablecell control so I get a parser error. The other way of declaring it as a TableCell does not produce an error but does not produce a background color either :o , Im not sure why this will not work because I have done this before with other controls....I dont know if its just because this is a asp table and .net processes those differently or what. thanks
  4. Hi, I have an asp table that i have hard coded all the rows and cells in the aspx file and I need to change the background color of one of the cells programmatically and I cant seem to find a way to reference the table cell control by its ID. Anyone know of a way I can do this? thanks!
  5. OK I have a strongly typed dataset from an XML file and Im trying to list all the nested items in a group that were pulled into the dataset. This is the code I am currently using, is there any better way anyone can think of doing this. this works fine but I was curious as to any other possibilites. Example: Dim Group As dsControls.GroupRow Dim Item As dsControls._ItemRow For Each Group In siteSettings.Group.Select("ID='NameGroup'") For Each Item In Group.GetItemRows Response.Write("<b>" & Item.ID & "</b>:" & Item.Label & "<BR>") Response.Write("<b>" & Item.ID & "</b>:" & Item.Description & "<BR>") Response.Write("<b>" & Item.ID & "</b>:" & Item.TextBox & "<BR><BR>") Next Exit For Next thanks
  6. Im getting started with XML and I want to use it to hold configuration for my website. I know xml is a supported datasource just as SQL or OLEDB or Oracle. is it possible to load an XML document as a datasource and query against it using SQL commands? Ive read that there is the Xpath classes but I would prefer to use sql commands if possible since that is what im most familiar with. any suggestions would be appreciated. thanks.
  7. I am creating several user controls and when I add them to a page it creates the register prefix for the control but if I want to reference it in code I have to declare the control and then do a DirectCast to the instance of it on the page. Is there any way I can have the usercontrol insert this code as well. such as when you add any system based control to the webform? or is this only possible with custom controls? thanks
  8. there are two parts to the namespace I want to make, Database and UI. under the database I want to have grouped into more specific sub namespaces for each item(parameter) to be inserted into the database. and I will have a sub for execute_insert which will look at all the information given and decide what stored procedures to call and insert the data. under the UI section I want to be able to call the user controls I made so I can insert them onto the pages. I also want to be able to control certain aspects of the usercontrols such as how the validators work and changing the enabled properties to some controls within the usercontrol....... thanks
  9. Well for this project im working on I thought I would create a custom namespace for doing the database inserts and I am building usercontrols and wanted to integrate it all into one dll. So I havnt really done anything like this before. I am still kinda new to inheritance and I do not know what interfaces do..... :(
  10. There is an open source project called MONO which will run on linux based machines and there is a runtime for mac OSX on their download site. I saw something in there called XSP which I think is either a web server or related, they also show having a plugin for apache. actually they just released version 1.0 today. other than this I dont think you will find anything else seeing as you need the .net framework to process asp.net pages and this is the only framework I have seen for any other platform other than windows. http://www.mono-project.com Good Luck!
  11. I would find out from them if they are running IIS 6 or not....if you have some content coming up on it but not your aspx stuff then its probably not IIS 6....if you view the source of the page then you will probably see your asp.net code that didnt get processed by the server.
  12. it sounds like you want to take html entered into a textbox and insert it into the database correct? Or do you want to take text entered into the text box and wrap html around it? As for the database insert, I use sql parameters and I believe it will make any formatting changes that it needs to insert it into the database, you just need to tell it what datatype the input will be. If this sounds like what you need I can post some sample code for doing this.
  13. Im not sure what would happen if you dont have the framework installed....if you have IIS 6.0 installed then the .net framework should be there. If you debug it on your machine(hitting F5) then it should bring up an instance of IE and your page. the titlebar will show you what path you should use locally to view the page. it should be something like: http://localhost/project/filename http://www.etc doesnt make sense ..... is that supposed to be a registered domain?
  14. How are you opening the page? are you just double clicking the file or using http://localhost/... followed by the virtual path to the page? If you do not use localhost the ASP.NET engine will not process it.
  15. I shouldnt say access....I dont see it in the intellisense?(not sure if thats the name for it) when i access the classes. unless properties are not supposed to show there, i thought that they did. thanks EDIT: I just tried putting 'enabled' at the end and it allows me to set it but I get a blue underline which notes the following: "reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference"
  16. I created a usercontrol with 3 nested classes inside it and inside the third class I have a public property. I am able to access public variables in the base class but I cannot access public variables or public properties inside the nested classes. below is how I have them structured.. Public Class NameGroup Inherits System.Web.UI.UserControl Public MustInherit Class Validators Public MustInherit Class FirstName Public MustInherit Class RequiredField Inherits NameGroup Public Property Enabled() As Boolean Get Enabled = Me.valReqFName.Enabled() End Get Set(ByVal Value As Boolean) Me.valReqFName.Enabled = Value End Set End Property End Class End Class End Class End Class thanks for your input!
  17. Im writing a couples classes for a project im working on and I would like to add information for the developer to use when calling the classes like what you seen in the IDE when you select a class from a namespace it shows you how to use that class and tells you what it does. I think I need to use attributes for this but I am having trouble finding information for this exact use. Does anyone know of specific documentation or samples of how to do this? thanks
  18. This control looks pretty cool from the demo, when I try to add an instance of the SandDockManager control to my vb app I get an exception. "An exception occured while trying to create an instance of TD.SandDock.SandDockManager. The exception was Request failed." any ideas why this might be happening? thanks again.
  19. Im looking for a solution to use a tab control as a MDI container so I can have multiple windows inside a tab. I wasnt sure if this could be done with existing tab control in vb.net or if I would have to look at some third party venders, also I would like to be able to dock/undock the tabs into their own MDI window, but for this functionality I would probably need a third party control for sure. Any ideas? thanks
  20. I made another simple control and this one gets a parser error. But I cannot see what is wrong with this... Control code: Imports System Imports System.web Imports System.Web.UI Imports System.ComponentModel Namespace MyControl Public Class testControl Inherits System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl Protected Overrides Sub Render(ByVal writer As System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter) writer.Write("<h1>Hello World<h1>") End Sub End Class End Namespace Page Code: <%@ Register TagPrefix="JB" Namespace="MyControl" Assembly="testControl"%> <JB:testControl runat="server"/>
  21. I don't know what the error is....the page works fine when I debug it.
  22. I am refering to custom control. the one test control I made worked but in the IDE I got a grey box that said error on it. All the control was was a composite of a text box and a required field validator. Another problem I was having was when I put the control in the toolbox and tried to drag n drop it onto the form it did nothing except add a reference to my project.... thanks, Josh
  23. I want to create a composite server control for a new project im working on and it looks simple enough to do. However I want the control to show up in the Design environment like a regular asp control. I know I have to add extra tags to the code for this to work. Does anyone know of any code samples that does this in vb.net? all samples I have found are c# or do not have this functionality. thanks, Josh
  24. Hello, Im using crystal reports to display account information and there is a digital signature image that is placed on this report. I am rendering the image in memory on the server and streaming it to the client via response.outputstream for security and performace reasons. when I use the outputstream the image tag on the page has no filename. I was wondering if there is a way to specify this so that the browser will place this image in the appropriate place on the report? or will this solution not work and need to store it temporarily on the server and delete it? Thanks
  25. HTMLDocument and IHTMLElementCollection are part of mshtml which needs a reference added to the project, it should be listed under 'Microsoft.mshtml' in the .Net tab of the add reference screen. The DirectCast function is part of vb. thanks
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