All you really need to know about matrices is that they're an array of values that allow you to perform all the transformations (scaling, translating, rotating, etc) you want in one place. Different components of the matrix correspond to your position, and directional vectors. I personally don't know the detailed math behind them.
Usually you start with an "identity" matrix, which holds default values, such as position at 0,0,0, and scale of 1, 1, 1. You then multiply this matrix with another matrix containing the next transformation.
A general example:
1) Set a matrix to identity
2) Multiply by a scaled matrix
3) Multiply by a translated matrix
4) Apply matrix to world matrix
In managed directx
Dim mat As Matrix
mat = Matrix.Identity
mat.Multiply(Matrix.Scale(2, 2, 2))
mat.Multiply(Matrix.Translate(0, 4, 5))
D3DDev.Transform.World = mat
Do this before rendering all objects. In your case, wanting the object at the origin, leave out the translate part.
If you get funky results, keep in mind that the order of multiplication counts. Translating then rotating gives different results than rotating then translating.