Ok, I've read a handful of articles out there concerning the issue of accessing a control from a thread other than the one from which it was created. I think the most well-rounded solution I found is to create a delegate to a function that accesses the control and then call this->Invoke( theDelegate ) from the worker thread in the form to marshal the call to the UI thread. I wrote a test app to try this out and the problem I'm having is that if I try the following, the function that should be called via Invoke never gets called, and the code that follows the Invoke in ThreadLoop never gets executed...
__delegate void DisableButtonDelegate();
DisableButtonDelegate* disableButton;
Button* aButton;
Thread* aThread;
disableButton = new DisableButtonDelegate( this, DisableButton );
aThread = new Thread( new ThreadStart( this, ThreadLoop ));
aThread->IsBackground = true;
void ThreadLoop()
while ( true ) {
this->Invoke( disableButton );
MessageBox::Show( S"After invoke" );
aThread->Sleep( 2000 );
void DisableButton()
MessageBox::Show( S"Disabling button" );
aButton->Enabled = false;
However, if I place the aThread->Sleep BEFORE the Invoke, or if I insert a MessageBox before the Invoke, everything works fine and executes like I would expect it to. Can anybody with a deeper understanding of what's happening explain this to me? Also, is there a prefered way of dealing with this situation?