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Everything posted by AlexMesquita
Is it possible? Can anyone help me with that? Thank you.
How can I make my setup to look for a file and not replace this file if it exists? The file is a database file. Thank you.
Hi. I need to make a script like that. Can you should? To check for those components, you can look inside the registry.
How can I make a client/server application with vb.net? Can anyone show me an example?
Hi. I am using a shockwave flash object control inside a form. I need to capture the mouse click on the control through vb.net. Thanks.
How can I prevent a user to click inside a richtextbox?
Best strategy for deploying .Net prerequisites?
AlexMesquita replied to littleisharp's topic in Deployment
To download a full setup IE go to this site:http://www.compu-docs.com/ieadmininstall.htm , and follow the instructions. -
Thanks very much !
How can I get a value from a UserControl to my form? I have a a public variable inside the UserControl and I need to pass it value to a label in my form. My UserControl has a button and when I click it show a messagebox. But I guess the click event of the UseControl is not working. Why? This is my code inside my form: Private Sub UserControl_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles UserControl.Click Label1.Text = UserControl.PublicVariable End Sub
How can I make a UserControl just like a combobox to display labels with color?
How to play Flash movie (.swf) in vb.net?
AlexMesquita replied to a topic in Graphics and Multimedia
You should use the Shockwave Flash object, because you can pass variable from flash to vb.net and vice-versa. In Visual Basic, Visual C++, and other programs that can host ActiveX controls, fscommand() sends a VB event with two strings that can be handled in the environment's programming language. To pass values to vb.net: Inside the flash movie: fscommand("Ordem", "Sair"); Inside vb.net: ... string path = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory path += @"\first.swf" axShockwaveFlash1.LoadMovie(0,path) axShockwaveFlash1.Play() ... Private Sub FlashPageTurnPri_FSCommand(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e as AxShockwaveFlashObjects._IShockwaveFlashEvents_FSCommandEvent) If (e.command = "Ordem") Then End If End Sub To pass values to flash: Private Sub FlashPageTurnPri_FSCommand(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e as AxShockwaveFlashObjects._IShockwaveFlashEvents_FSCommandEvent) axShockwaveFlash1.SetVariable("mc_mytext.text", "Hello Flash, greetings from .NET") End Sub To send data back to the Flash movie you just need to call the SetVariable() method on the Shockwave Flash Object and specify the name of an ActionScript variable or, as in this case, the property of a Flash object. -
I am using this code to paint my form with a gradient color, but when I open any window ( a messagebox, for example ), or a menu, over my Panel ( MyPanel), and close it, it draws a hole in my grandient color. Why? Dim MyobjBrush As New Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush _ (MyPanel.DisplayRectangle, Color.AliceBlue,Color.MediumSlateBlue, _ Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode.Horizontal) Dim MyobjGraphics As Graphics = MyPanel.CreateGraphics() objGraphics.FillRectangle(MyobjBrush, MyPanel.DisplayRectangle) MyobjBrush.Dispose() MyobjGraphics.Dispose() http://www.mundo.iol.pt/alexsander/jogos.consolas/imagens/Image1.jpg The problem was solved. Instead of using MyPanel.CreateGraphics(), I should be using e.Graphics.
How can I preview the fonts inside a combobox?
AlexMesquita replied to AlexMesquita's topic in Windows Forms
Yes, but I don't want to use it because I can not let the user change the size of the fonts. -
How can I preview the fonts inside a combobox just like the fontcombo from Microsoft word? This is my code: Dim ff1 As FontFamily Dim ifc1 As New System.Drawing.Text.InstalledFontCollection For Each ff1 In ifc1.Families cboFonts.Items.Add(ff1.Name) Next
How can I count how many lines exist inside a RichTextBox? Thanks.
What should I have to do for a RichTextBox.ScrollBar to have the properties: "Maximum, Minimum, Value, NewValue", like a VScrollBar?
Move a textbox position with a scrollbar I am making a program that has a text editor where a teacher can mark some words. Then in another form, those marked words are substituted by textboxes in white that are created in run time. Only that I need to use the scrollbar of the richtextbox, and when doing that, the text moves, but the textboxes don't. And I need the textboxes to accompany the words. Any hekp would be apreciated.
Hi. Does anyone knows how can I stop those ballons messages to appear when a ms agent speaks? I know how to do that with vb 6, but I do not know how to do it with vb.net. Thanks.
How can I make the text stop at the right margin of the page? Here is the code that I am using. I can only configure the left margin and the text always crosses the right limit of the leaf. Could you help me with that? Thanks. Private Sub PrintDocument1_PrintPage(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal texto As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles PrintDocument1.PrintPage Dim linhasPorPagina As Single = 0 Dim Posicao_Y As Single = 0 Dim contador As Integer = 0 Dim MargemEsquerda As Single = texto.MarginBounds.Left - 50 Dim MargemSuperior As Single = texto.MarginBounds.Top Dim linha As String = Nothing Dim FonteDeImpressao As Font = Me.rtbRichText.Font Dim meupincel As New SolidBrush(Color.Black) 'Calcula o numero de linhas por página usando as medidas das margens linhasPorPagina = texto.MarginBounds.Height / FonteDeImpressao.GetHeight(texto.Graphics) ' Vamos imprimir cada linha implementando um StringReader linha = leitor.ReadLine() While contador < linhasPorPagina ' calcula a posicao da proxima linha baseado na altura da fonte de acordo com o dispostivo de impressao Posicao_Y = (MargemSuperior + (contador * FonteDeImpressao.GetHeight(texto.Graphics))) ' desenha a proxima linha no controle richtext texto.Graphics.DrawString(linha, FonteDeImpressao, meupincel, MargemEsquerda, Posicao_Y, New StringFormat()) contador += 1 linha = leitor.ReadLine() End While ' se existir mais linhas imprimi outra página If Not (linha Is Nothing) Then texto.HasMorePages = True Else texto.HasMorePages = False End If meupincel.Dispose() End Sub
Hi. Does anyone knows how can I print the content of a richtextbox with it's color formated text? I have a text that has a few words in red. The rest of the text is black. Any help? Thanks
I am using Access 2000 to create my database and I am also using a data environment in VB .net. In the data environment, when you set up a connection, it ask for the location of the file and the password if there is any, so it create the connection string for you. Now my problem is, when I have no password on the database it connects fine, but when I add a password to the database and go to the connection in the dataenvironment and go through the wizard and type in the password and test the connection, it says the database is opened exclusively by another user. I need to be able to set a password on the database so that the user cannot open it and modify it Any help is appreciated
Change screen resolution with vb. net?
AlexMesquita replied to AlexMesquita's topic in Windows Forms
I made a search and I didn't find a way of doing. I only found some posts on the subject. -
Does anone knows how can I change the screen resolution with vb .net? Is it possible? Thanks.
Hi. Does anybody know if it is possible to detect the existence of the character that represents the ENTER key, inside of a copied text? I have a richtextbox where I type or paste a text. Then I need to verify the existence of some ENTER inside of the text in the hour of recording in a file txt. Thank you.