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Everything posted by alemargo

  1. My stored procedure returns me a fully qualified hyperlink string (see below). <a href='../../Account/AccountPage.aspx?AccountID=3' targer='_self' class='cNavyLinks'>10</a> I have to strip the "hyperlinkage" and get number 10 (in this case). Of course, this could be done by using String.split(...) functions. What I am trying to find out is if it's possible to render this fully qualified hyperlink string as a HtmlTag, of some sort, and then use OuterHtml or OuterText functions to accomplish the same goal.
  2. Session Variables issue Yeap, that is what I have. I do check it in the same manner.
  3. Session Variables issue Actually, this happens withing timeout range. So timeout is not an issue. It happens when I go from one page to another within 20 min timeout.
  4. Session variables It is kind of strange, but I am having a weird problem. After user loged in, I validate user against SQL User table, and store id in SESSION(USERNAME). Next, upon every Page_Init, I check If IsNothing(SESSION(USERNAME)). If it is nothing, I redirect back to Login page. The strange part is that I get redirected to Login page when going between pages. For some reason SESSION(USERNAME) becomes NOTHING. If any one of you had the same problem, or have any ideas, please let me know. Thanks.
  5. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;309338
  6. The CheckBoxList gets rendered into table with checkboxes and their VALUES are located under LABEL tags. Anyway, I just learned from Microsoft support site, there is a known bug in DropdownList, CheckBoxList, RadiobuttonList. Basically, if you add a pair value attribute to a ListItem, it does not get rendered as to a client. Their suggestion is to create custom control, derive it from ..List and implement additional attributes functionality.
  7. Yeah, but I cannot really use 'javascript:confirm()' with that. The whole purpose of this excersize is to ask user to confirm selection using client side script. Thanks anyway.
  8. Hi, What I am trying to acheve is when user checkes several items from CheckBoxList, I want to show which items were checked. The problem raises when I try accessing items of the CheckBoxList from JavaScript. The text values are rendered as part of LABEL tag, and I cannot find any way to access LABEL tag from JavaScript. The LABEL tag does not carry any ID or NAME. If anyone came across this, please share your findings with me. Thanks.
  9. dynamic controls I used attributes to get data from controls. Here is the example. Private Sub chkGlue_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles chkGlue.CheckedChanged If chkGlue.Checked Then Me.Attributes.Add("name", "Y") Me.Attributes.Add("descr", "YES") Else Me.Attributes.Remove("name") Me.Attributes.Remove("descr") End If End Sub Then in my parent form, I read this attributes. It works fine.
  10. session timeout Actually, the timeout does occur. The way I use it is upon page init I check if user is valid. If TRUE, then I load the page; if FALSE, I redirect to my Login.aspx. When session expires, the last page will be displayed untill a user tries to go to a different page (within application). At this time the use will not be validated since the session has expired. Here is an example, When user logs in, I set SESSION variable USERNAME to a user login name. When session expires, all SESSION variables are reset to nothing. Based on that I make a decission to redirect a user to Login page or continue to the next one. I hope this cleared it for you.
  11. events I did figure it out the next day. It was really stupid of me to post such a question.
  12. Hi, I have one question. If I dynamically add a image button upon form_load, how do I handle its events?
  13. Thread The thread is in scope. Actually, the thread state indicates a STOPPED thread. So I have to create NEW thread to restart it. IF Thread.ThreadState = ... Stopped then tr1 = new Thread(...) tr1.Start() end if That seem to work. By the way, do you know if it is possible to start Timer from a newly created thread? Thanks.
  14. Hi, Does anyone know how to reastart a stopped thread? Thanks.
  15. Re: Re: Drawing image in for Paint Thanks for responding. The ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint causes some inconvenience. I have a bitmap image that I draw on the form as a background. I have transparency key set to make everything around that image transparent. When I use ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, transparency does not work for some reason. I am using 32-bit color quality.
  16. The form flickers upon loading. I do the following to prevent it, but that does not help at all. Private Sub frmNmeaPlayer_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Paint e.Graphics.DrawImage(background, New Point(0, 0)) End Sub I do set SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer Or ControlStyles.UserPaint, True) in form Load event. If anyone has any suggestions, please advise.
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