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Everything posted by Loki

  1. Ok, rotating by Pi radians sort of works. Although not quite, I had to offset slightly, something like: Sprite.Transform = Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(Math.PI - 0.0001F, 0.0F, 0.0F) Which seems to work, but now the sprites do not appear in the order you call Draw in, the slight modification of PI to force it to draw seems to be causing all flipped sprites to "go to the back". Any ideas?
  2. I just tried a Scaling Matrix, the Unmanged docs for the Sprite system in DX allows more functionality than the Sprite class it seems?? Anyone have any idea/code on how to do this? Seems to be an issue everywhere I look on the net and noone has an answer. Yet how many 2D-in-3D games have no sprite flipping at all? Thanks,
  3. Is there any way to flip a D3DX Sprite horizontally and vertically? I did try a .Transform with minus scaling matrix. Didn't seem to work. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  4. One question about Sprites... does anyone have any idea if DX handles large sprites properly on old cards that do not support large textures? I am guessing not?
  5. Yeah, shame really :(
  6. May well be, but I have done a fair amount of DX. Actually that was a bit of an exageration about it not competing ;). I got fairly annoyed at the Surface.Lock issue in DD today and thought I would rant. Issues like that I have never had in unmanaged C++.
  7. Yeah, this is true, you WANT your front surface's clipper to be clipping the window. However, your back surface's clipper (should you decided to use a clipper and Draw, instead of self clipping and DrawFast), you should set a ClipList on. This way all your clipping is done for you on your back surface. You cannot use DrawFast however, you must use Draw. DrawFast does not support Clippers. Still not sure which is the fastest.
  8. I'm using a DirectDraw surface. No 3D stuff in this one.
  9. I've heard those kind of figures, one of the .NET Shows said it (Managed Direct X): http://msdn.microsoft.com/theshow/Archive.asp But it's a load of crap, in fairness. My managed code cant even begin to compete with my unmanaged code.
  10. I think the Lock() method is just crap to be honest. I have it working, but the bigger surface you lock, the longer the lock takes to begin. I am guessing this has something to do with mapping to an array in .NET. But either way, it makes the method pretty useless for any realtime effects. Which is pretty much what it is there for. Thanks for the help.
  11. You can actually do this yourself if you like, as wyrd said, however, by my calculations the Clipper is about as fast as doing it yourself (probably wouldnt be if you could do it in ASM or something). Anyway, What you need to do is set up the clipping area of your Clipper(s). You can attach it to any surface you want clipped drawing to occur on. Use the ClipList property on the clipper to do this, simply pass it a set of rectangles. I THINK the basic idea is that you set up a cliplist on the back surface, and just attach the front surface clipper to the window.
  12. Has anyone had any luck with the Lock method on the DirectDraw Surface object? Every time I lock a surface, application just freezes and eventually throws an exception, I have tried everything, cant seem to get it to work properly.
  13. I doubt very much that DD will be phased out any time soon. All current and future hardware will support 2D operations, simply because they pretty much have to, and have done, thus, if even only for backwards compatibility 2D operations will remain at hardware level. I also doubt very much that MS will update DD any time soon, I think they have dropped support for it full stop. However, again, for backwards compatibility,... FOREVER shall it remain....... FOREVER!! I hope. (Or someone at MS wants a slap up the head)
  14. I find the MANAGED DX stuff badly documented, DX itself is fairly documented, and there are a lot of good books. MDX on the other hand... Well, you have the Framework which is documented to the hilt, and then MDX, which is just taking the biscuit in comparison
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