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Everything posted by hungheykwun

  1. im using mysql version 5.0.0 alpha. my client is navicat (latest version) my vb.net is using bytefx wrapper i created a user abc with password abc in navicat with all privileges my connection string in vb is "Data Source=" & datasource & ";" & _ "Database=" & mySQLdb & ";" & _ "User ID=abc;" & _ "Password=abc;" & _ "Pooling=false" i get this error: "authentication protocol..blabla upgrade client blabla" i did a search. this is due to some mysql version conflict. the mysql manual says to convert the password with OLD_PASSWORD function. i did that and my password in mysql.user table is changed to a shorter hash. but i stil cant connect. if any1 has alt ways, pls help!
  2. bytefx has bug. say u hav : function A{ a.openconnection function B a.closeconnection } function B{ b.openconnection b.closeconnection } the connection wont b released because it is nested. so i hit connection limit pretty quick
  3. ysql is free. use bytefx as the wrapper if yr using vb.net
  4. try getting vb engines or directx wrappers
  5. where to get freelance work?
  6. Private Sub Form1_Closing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Closing e.Cancel = True End Sub
  7. listbox remove item
  8. when i use ListBox1.Items.Remove(ListBox1.SelectedItem) or the selected index...i get this Cannot modify the Items collection when the DataSource property is set. this happens only when i have one item in my list to remove
  9. where dgaset is the name of your data grid Private Sub DGASET_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles DGASET.MouseUp Dim pt = New Point(e.X, e.Y) Dim hti As DataGrid.HitTestInfo = DGASET.HitTest(pt) If hti.Type = DataGrid.HitTestType.Cell Then DGASET.CurrentCell = New DataGridCell(hti.Row, hti.Column) DGASET.Select(hti.Row) End If End Sub
  10. rpt = New crystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument rpt.Load("..\Rpt\advance.rpt") rpt.SetDatabaseLogon("admin", dbPwd)
  11. open yr report in crystal report menu Database-> set datasource make sure its pointing to the correct location
  12. open yr .rpt in crystal report. look at database->set data source location
  13. Dim drv As DataRowView Dim dr As DataRow tmp = combo1.SelectedIndex drv = CType(combo1.SelectedItem, DataRowView) dr = drv.Row tmpstr= dr.Item(0) 'tmpstr will return the selected item
  14. Dim drv As DataRowView Dim dr As DataRow tmp = combo1.SelectedIndex drv = CType(combo1.SelectedItem, DataRowView) dr = drv.Row tmpstr= dr.Item(0) 'tmpstr will return the selectedtext
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