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Everything posted by Shurik12

  1. Hi, http://www.thescripts.com/forum/thread178501.html
  2. Hi, Thanks for the response. You're absoultely right, the is the approach to take. Thanks for the help Shurik. p.s the hint about the tags is taken.
  3. http://www.velocityreviews.com/forums/t112526-integrating-sql-server-reporting-services-with-aspnet.html
  4. You current statement should be working (well at least if you run in the Access environment itself) What's your code so far? Shurik.
  5. I'd advice downloading and using this instead http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/windows/odpnet/index.html Shurik.
  6. Hello, I'd like to read in a XML file elements' content into a number of arrays (if it makes any difference: I'm using PL-SQL associative arrays to make a "bulk" insert of the XML file into an Oracle table) //"load" the xml file XmlTextReader textReader = New XmlTextReader(path); textReader.Read(); XmlDocument doc = New XmlDocument(); doc.Load(textReader); // Get all elements here XmlNodeList gridid = doc.GetElementsByTagName("gridid"); XmlNodeList spread6m = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Spread6m"); .... other elements go here // Loop throught the whole document And populate the arrays (declared And instantiated alerady) For (int i = 0; i < CountElements; i++) { GridIDArray[i] = System.Convert.ToInt32(gridid[i].InnerXml); Spread6mArray[i] = System.Convert.ToString(spread6m[i].InnerXml); } ... Since 'spread6m' element is not present in each of the root elements (see the attachment for a screenshoot), application throws "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." I've tried something similar too // Get a XML node Type object. Type XmlNodeType = TypeOf(XmlNode); If (XmlNodeType.IsInstanceOfType(spread6m[i])) { Spread6mArray[i] = System.Convert.ToString(spread6m[i].InnerXml); } Else { Spread6mArray[i] = 0; } but it did not really seem to help So the question is: how can I detect that an element is missing within the current root element and populate the array's item with 0 accordingly? Thanks, Shurik.
  7. Hi, http://www.google.be/search?hl=nl&q=create+Access+database+from+VB.NET&btnG=Google+zoeken&meta=
  8. Thanks for the feeback. What actually proved to be is that the .webinfo file referenced the wrong http://... The hint was found here: http://scottelkin.com/archive/2004/06/03/200.aspx)
  9. Hello, Recently started playing with ASP.NET (2003). I don't experience any problems when creating new projects from within the IDE Tried to run an example from a CD-ROM included in the book and faced this problem (see the attachment) I verified that : -IIS is running -Default Web Site is running Also, i naturally created a virtual directory for the example I saved on my hard drive Having searched on the Internet I found a couple of posts mentioning the tmp <-->temp/temp mapping in the MIME map. Done it too. Somehow the problem persists. Could someone try to point me in the right direction? Thanks, Shurik.
  10. Well that's a good news about SP4 in general then.
  11. Thanks for your responses. That's the point with SP4 (in its current state) its installation seems to remind a lottery. I just got know that SP3 is very likely to be enough to run the .NET 03 installation. Will give it a shot. Regards, Shurik.
  12. Hi, Have a question concerning the following. I have W2K SP2 and .NET 2002. The other day I decided to upgrade to .NET 2003. Now I got to know that SP4 for W2K is highly desirable for the installation (correct?). What really scares me off is the immense amount of negative feedbacks from people who installed SP4 on their machines (it just seems to be a pure nightmare if you read all those posts) The question is: has someone around upgraded from .NET 02 to .NET 03 on W2K machine? Any related information to the issue could be of a great help too. Regards, Shurik.
  13. Thanks for the feedback, guys. Regards, Shurik.
  14. Hi, Could someone tell me whether it's 'worth' updating to .NET 2003 from .NET 2002 right now (from the point of view of VB.NET and/or ASP.NET developer). I read all that articles by Microsoft about security, etc. enhancement but wanted to hear someone who was developing in NET 02 then switched to .NET 03 and said something like "yes, I see the improvements" Thanks, Shurik.
  15. Hi, I'm not familiar with the .NET's syntaxis but the general idea here that you probaly have to use sometihng like "Resync" or "Requery". Regards, Shurik12.
  16. Hi, have not worked with VB.NET yet, but still. Don't know how you display your data (DatGrid+ado?)... Sounds like the data is just not getting refreshed on the screen.... Shurik12.
  17. Hi again, If you choose a .txt-file as the place to strore the data, have a look at the "Open"-statement, "Input"-function, etc... in the help files. It should give you an idea how to work with the text files. One more thing, if you have an opportunity to do it in Access or even in Excel go for it. Regards, Shurik12
  18. if you don't mind I'm going to have a nap. It's almost 2 a.m in Belgium. Will try to answer tomorrow (or some one else yet)
  19. First of all you should not feel sorry. That's what forums are for: to ask questions and get answers. If it's all about ONE 'table' you're going to have you can perfectly use your txt file as the 'data container'. If you have more then one, then relational databases such as Access, MS SQL, Oracle, Sybase, mySQL etc. come into play. By the way you mentioned you had some experience with mySQL. All the mentioned databases are relational. So there should be nothing new for you as far as the "idea" of a relational database concerned.
  20. The VB.NET syntaxis itself differs a good deal from that one of VB 6 (5...). But the 'definitions' of ADO, Flexigrid etc. remain the same. Try to have a look in the help files of your VB.Net Standard. Regards, Shurik12.
  21. There are plenty of sights which might help you, I mean to give a feeling where you have to go further. Have a look at these ones: http://www.gab2001uk.com/ http://www.gab2001uk.com/visualbasic/daovsado/index.htm if you have more questions, don't hesitate to ask Regards, Shurik12.
  22. Hi, displaying information in a grid, making it not editable, etc. has not very much to do with the choice of the database but rather with the the properties you're setting for the control displaying the data (think od DataGrid). More over there are controls which intrinsically not meant for editing data displayed in it but for displaying it only (MSFLEXIGRID,MSHFLEXIGRID, ListView...) For the rest, to give you a more precise answer, I think one needs to know more about your project. About the fact you "don't want the user to need anything extra to use it"... Say, you can create a project with an Access database as a back end and after that distridute it on a PC which doesn't have Access on it. Regards, Shurik12.
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