Thanks DiverDan for the help!
Unfortunately your tip didn't help. I originally never had the statusbar update in the loop but outside. My code is as follows:
Private Sub ListView1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListView1.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim Count As Integer = 0, Size As Single = 0
Dim Item As ListViewItem
Dim MyItems As ListView.SelectedListViewItemCollection
MyItems = Me.ListView1.SelectedItems
For Each Item In MyItems
Count = Count + 1
Size = Size + Int(Item.SubItems(3).Text) / 1000
StatusBarPanel2.Text = "Selected " & Count & " File(s), " & Size.ToString() & " " & "KB"
End Sub
Still, if I have like 300 items in my listview, the statusbar gets updated at every iteration like 299..298.297.. and is really slow. Any more help. I figured a way to cheat by having a timer just update the statusbar at every tick. But I don't think thats a good use of system resources. Any more ideas? Thanks a lot!
VB Newbie