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Everything posted by dragon4spy

  1. Mandrake v9, downloaded from their website. It's free! cool... I don't think linux is suitable for home and office users, because No DirectX games ever played, no.... However, I do agree that Linux is great for servers, for those background services things :D. I knew I can complain much more about Linux, but I can't because this is .net forum.
  2. I h*te everything in Linux, except its GUI look and feel. Cool... I remember I can use windows in just a day or two without any teaching, but months and months for Linux. In addition to .gz.tar, there are also aliens devices (??) in /dev (?).
  3. 'check voltage drop value If voltageDropPercent <= Val(INI_Info(120)) / 100 Then Return conductorGauge & "," & groundGauge & "," & voltageDropPercent '<<<< Put break point here Put a break point on this return line, and see when your function is exectuted, will it stop at the break point or not? If nothing happen then it must be because voltageDropPercent > Val(INI_Info(120)) / 100 . :rolleyes: I suggest you to learn more about Debugger. I tell you I used to face this before when I started vb. :D
  4. There are many problems with your Function. I'm checking for you :D
  5. :D Kindly check my previous thread, "All dotNet Languages Are Equal?". http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=81414
  6. Linux is a completely new system for me. I used it for a month, but now I can't even install a software. How then? In those .gz things :D. It will be difficult for me to start programming in Linux. Maybe I need to catch C++ first.
  7. For vb6, I can hack into memory and get the size by using ObjPtr() and CopyMemory(). But now vb.net doesn't support ObjPtr().
  8. :) Decimal is the most precise number type. You can take a deep look at Iceplug's quote. Can someone show how to use array to extend the number places? :D
  9. Oh I see... :D So how about dotNet IDE in Linux? As far as I know, Mono won't have one, or maybe other projects, or Microsoft will make one?
  10. According to Mono project's timeline, C# compiler for linux will be available in late 2004 (framwork v1.0). Vb.net compiler for linux will be available in early 2005 (framework v1.2), and most-complete .net framework for linux (v1.4) will be available in late 2005. I'm doubt what those C# and vb.net compilers used for? Since the compiled code in windows .net compiler is in IL codes, so what is needed to run on Linux platform is only a .net framework. Thus, Is mono a compiler or a framework for Linux?
  11. Here you go. http://www.dnjonline.com/newsreel/DotNet_for_Linux.html Google "Corel Microsoft .Net Framework Agreement"
  12. Java is a strong language. Someone somewhere will still use it for much longer time. I think next 5 years or so, it will be .net age, so I should start programming .net from now on. .Net will rock! :D
  13. For 64bits number (decimal type?), it can hold as small as 0.0000000000000000001 (10^-19) and as big as 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 (2^64). I am doubt how Windows Calculator App can even compute much more places.
  14. a compiled .net one, IL codes.
  15. Microsoft is actually persuading java programmers to move to .net by adding a built-in Java-to-C# converter tool in VStudio (2003?). :D
  16. Microsoft has agreed with Corel to make .net framework for Linux, or even Mac. I think I would rather wait for free .net frameworks from MS than spending 20k buck buying iNet. Cos according to google, almost home and office users are using windows platforms. Linux, however, plays an important role in server market. :D
  17. That is a true coder, a man. :D
  18. Are you talking about SharpDevelop? Here the link http://sharpdevelop.com/OpenSource/SD/Default.aspx
  19. I have given it a few tries already, and it, really, makes me sick. :D I will give it another shot soon, cos now i'm working on a few projects in vb and vb.net. :D
  20. Nice links. Thanks :D In addition: pscode.com go-mono.com (.net framework for linux?) 4guysfromrolla.com (asp & asp.net lang)
  21. I like you guys :D
  22. It is just a dream of mine. :D :D At lease someone, please, eliminate those {} ++ := ; things in C. And so funny that the inventors of C came up with these things in their mind. Were they trying to create an ET lang for human? :D
  23. I found that C and C++ langs are really clumsy! Languages for human programmers, but include weird syntax such as { } - # !! := ; blah blah blah. Vb syntax should have replace those langs. Is it possible to port C++ syntax to a new lang similar to VB, and still use C++ compiler for compiling? I wish for a similar VB lang that has the same ability as C++. Maybe someone can name it "Basic C++" :D :D
  24. For me, I'm dreaming to do so. A similar to vb, but it is just really a dream. :D
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