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Everything posted by Tamer_Ahmed

  1. dears i have a problem here i have a windows app which synchronize with a web site and get news from the site and save it on the client's pc as xml and also save the user setting as xml the problem here that the xml is readable i don't want the client to be able to read those file so i decided to serialize the file as binary files here's my serialization function public bool Serialize(string fileName,object Object) { try { FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create); BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); formatter.Serialize(fs, Object); return true; } catch { return false; } } usualy i read the xml as string and serialize it and save it on the file with extension bin the problem here that the user still can read the file if he open it using notepad so does anyone have any idea about how fix this problem or another way to hide the data
  2. it's a .net error saying Literal content ('')" >') is not allowed within a 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.CheckBox'. :confused:
  3. hi all, i create a simple javascript function function my(id) { document.getElementById('Label1').innerText = id; } and i'll add it to onclick event for checkbox exist on datalist there problem here that the parameter that i want to pass it to the function is this <%#Container.DataItem("ID")%> and it's not work the parser always throw error can anybody help [:'(] Regards
  4. actually i don't know what is ur problem
  5. hi all, is there's anyway to bind dataTable to datalist using javascript because i have a page contain 4 links when the user click on anyone i don't want to postback just rebind the data is there's anyway to do this with javascript my data r cached so i don't need to postback Plz help :D
  6. hi all i have a dataTable Called products and i have array of rows called my products i want to add those rows to the datatable but evrey time i do this i get error can anybody help
  7. yeah this code is work fine thanks alot the problem was in e.item.itemindex thanks again
  8. hey ur solution will work only if my datalist postback in every selection and this is not what happen here i have a datalist multiple checkbox i want to get the id of the item that have a checked checkbox my datalist wil postback only when the user click the button and the itemindex will be -1 hope u have another solution for me
  9. hi all, i get a list of products and bind it to a datalist and there's a Compare button on the header template and there's a checkbox in every row when the user press compare i want to get the product id which is selected by user i don't have problem in wirting the code in the itemCommand the problem here i don't know how to get the product id this is my code If e.CommandName = "Compare" Then Dim str As String For Each anitem In DataList2.Items isChecked = CType(anitem.FindControl("chk"), CheckBox).Checked If isChecked = True Then i don't know what to write here End If Next End If plz help me
  10. Tamer_Ahmed


    hi guys i have a problem i want to view a page from another site in my page but my only solution for this is IFrame but my boss doesn't want this so is there's any another solution to do it
  11. hi all i have alot of images for hotels and i want the user to able to navigate thru it but i don't wan to use .net coz i don't want the page to postback every time so i want to put all paths in array the paths r like this http://whatever/image.jpg and i want to navigate thru it using java script the problem here that i'm new with java script and i don't know how to do it can anybody help
  12. hi all i have alot of process reading from one file and i get system.io exception say can't not read from file coz it's being used by another process well i want check if the fiile busy or not b4 getting dat from it does anyone know how to handle it
  13. Actually i was start with Dataset but my problem that my XML is Complicated and there's alot of relation so i'm working with schema and when i'm Trying to read the XML i always get this error " The same table cannot be the child table in two nested relations. " And i searched the web and i found that this is a Problem in Dataset.
  14. hi all well let's say i have an xml with this structure <Employers> <Employer> <FirstName>John</FirstName> <LastName>Test</LastName> <Department>HR</Department> </Employer> <Employer> <FirstName>John2</FirstName> <LastName>Test2</LastName> <Department>Accounting</Department> </Employer> <Employer> <FirstName>John3</FirstName> <LastName>Test3</LastName> <Department>IT</Department> </Employer> </Employers> now i created this Table on the Memory and let's called it Employers dim Employers as new DataTable("Employers") Employers.Column.add(new dataColumn("FirstName")) Employers.Column.add(new dataColumn("LastName")) Employers.Column.add(new dataColumn("Department")) dim dr as datarow = Employers.newrow now i'm gone parse this xml to get the data and put it in the Table my code is : dim reader as new xmlTextReader("MyXml") do while reader.reade if reader.Name = "Employer" if reader.name = "FirstName" Then dr("FirstName") = reader.readString end if if reader.name = "LastName" Then dr("LastName") = reader.readString end if if reader.name = "Department" Then dr("Department") = reader.readString Employer.Rows.Add(dr) dr = Employers.newRow end if End while but this isn't work so does anyone have any idea about how to fix it or write it in another way coz i really need to Fix it Regards, Tamer
  15. hello can i expire the session using my code
  16. Tamer_Ahmed


    hi all there's alot of site let the user send sms and logos and ring tones to there mobile device does anyone have an idea about what do i need to do this
  17. hi all i have a datalist contain a linkbutton let's say called Test and this button hide the product but if the product is already hidden in the DB i want the linkbutton to be disabled
  18. Thanks PlausiblyDamp but what if i don't have web service and what i want is to send xml request over https using .net classes is there a way to do it
  19. hi all i'm working with a xml web service and i send to it xml and i recieve xml but i want to send my request over a secure connection (https) but i don't know how to do it does anyone have any idea
  20. actually i want to know how can u export the data into excel file
  21. hi all i have xml file doesn't contain this tag <?xml version = "1.0"> but start with this tag <EXPORT VERSION="1.0"> plus it contain xslt does anyone what is that or have more information about this
  22. hi all i'm using msxsl to convert xml file using xsl to convert it to htm file but what if i have one file contain both the xml and the styleesheet how can i convert it does anyone know
  23. Thanks but actually i want timer on the top of the page and the user can see it the user need to know how much time he have and when the exam's time will be finished
  24. Hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllo
  25. hi all i want to create English Tests for my user and when the user hit the start button found timer in the top of the page every exam is duration is 45 minute i don't know how to create this timer do i need to create java script function or what and for example i want to make tests like those tests on this page http://www.microsoft.com/learning/assessment/default.asp can anybody help me
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