I am having a problem with this code only when I am trying to insert into a SQL DB when the last record in the DB has been deleted. I get an error stating that PK '5' already exists, when I am trying to insert 10 rows. This also happens when the DB is clean.
Any help would be appreciated.
Dim newRow As DataRow
Dim X As Integer
For X = 1 To spQuestions.DataRowCnt
newRow = dsInitialObservations.tblScreeningInitial.NewRow
newRow("BookingID") = _BookingID
newRow("NameID") = _NameID
newRow("ObservationSequence") = X
spQuestions.Col = 1
spQuestions.Row = X
newRow("Observation") = spQuestions.Value
spQuestions.Col = 2
spQuestions.Row = X
If spQuestions.Value = "1" Then
newRow("Answer") = 1
newRow("Answer") = 0
End If
spQuestions.Col = 4
spQuestions.Row = X
newRow("Explanation") = IfEmpty(spQuestions.Value)
newRow("CreatedAt") = Now
newRow("CreatedBy") = strUserName
daInitialObservations.Update(dsInitialObservations, "tblScreeningInitial")
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Error - " & Err.Description, "Error Saving Initial Observations", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
End Try