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Everything posted by bpayne111

  1. i'm writing an app that needs to send email through an ms exchange server over a vpn. i've played with it a bit and can't seem to figure it out what kinda hoops do i have to jump through for this? thanks brandon
  2. wow this was an old post but i'll check it out thanks... brandon
  3. so if as long as they have the framework my program will work? it ssems to good to be true... someone burst my bubble quick thanks brandon
  4. I'm looking for a walk through for using some MSOFFICE integration in my apps any links are appreciated thanks brandon
  5. give your class wheaties for breakfast :) sorry just had to say that brandon
  6. ok so as i understand it you can use the .net framework on win98 as long as the user installs it. What sort of functionality is lost using win98? I'd like to make some programs that communicate on my network but one of the systems is win98. thanks brandon
  7. yea kinda but it all seems a little wierd so if i have a user behind a router that wants to host my program, what is required to get the router to allow it to connect to the host computer? i'm begining to accept that i can't do this with code, so what kind of user input am i gonna need to make it work? thanks brandon
  8. what is port forwarding?
  9. what exactly is port forwarding?
  10. good idea...i was doing some research on ip addresses so i guess i'll try ip** lol thanks brandon
  11. i read a post by mooman_fl which discusses the problem of getting the external ip address of a router (that is not the correct term though... ¿NAT?) from my understanding the post concluded that if a person is behind a router they would never be able to be a host on a game server without using some sort of outside source. (if they used .net to create the app that is) i do not see how this is not possible to do using .net because it would seem to be a common practice. i am making a game server now and being that i don't have my own dedicated server to host such am app. i'd like to allow users to host thier own games if they wanted to. from what i understand this is fine unless the person with a router wants to host a game on the internet instead of at his own network. personally i'm willing to force the user to input the router's local ip address how do i find this ip address on my own anyway? i was asked once by a tech support what it was and i had no idea.. (it's not in ipconfig) there must be a way brandon
  12. C# How to Program by deitel has 2 or 3 client server apps you can try brandon
  13. i suggest that the searching be allowed to use words under 4 letters long. it seems like it was done for a reason so, my added suggestion is that maybe, you should allow words under 4 letters on searches with 3 or more words. i've had problems finding help on a few things in the search because of this restriction. there are many acronyms as we all know and searching for these things is very difficult to me. i've tried doing things such as writing the all the words out and this hardly ever works because everyone uses the acronyms all the time. i hope you will consider it, brandon
  14. that's one i've got in a links folder i may not have searched though thanks brandon
  15. Anyone have any favorites for free source code they'd like to tell me about? I need a very specific type of class library. I could do this coding myself but it's huge and tedious and one of those things where i really would like not to do it myself. I'm browsing through google through a slew of different places and i must say it's not going well. thanks Brandon
  16. aha thank you .... i forgot about the lf part... thanks brandon
  17. the question at hand is why is the output from that code the way it is. thanks for the help though brandon
  18. well here's the first thing that popped in my head... 1. Take one color image. 2. Convert it to gray scale. 3. Get a random array of points from the gray scale. 4. Plot those points in the same places on the color pic 5. Repeat until all points are covered on the original. i'm pretty sure this isn't what you want to do but the same concept could be applied maybe. just adding my 2 cents brandon
  19. using System; namespace DELETEONEDAY { class Class1 { [sTAThread] static void Main(string[] args) { char[] userInput = new char[4]; Console.WriteLine("Please input 4 numbers. (after each number press the enter key)."); for(int x = 0; x <=3; x++) { userInput[x] = (char)Console.Read(); } for(int x = 0; x <=3; x++) { Console.WriteLine(userInput[x]); } } } } this code looks simple enough... you may wonder why i posted it. I run this code expecting to input 4 chars then displaying them on the screen... It loops 4 times as expected but only prompts me for input twice?????? here's an example of what happens when i run it. <user input: 1> <user input:2> program displays 1 2 the 2nd and 3rd Console.Read statements are run by the program but it does not pause for me to input the value. i'm stumped. (if you are wondering why i have made such a simple program it's because this is actually a java program i must write for school. the results seemed so bizzare to me, i swithced over to C# and ran the same code again only to have the same results. we aren't required to use the loops but only because we haven't 'learned' them yet... i thought i was good to go but.. maybe i'm wrong) ******edit***** problem sovled ok so it works if i hit enter after i enter all 4 char... that's cool cuz it works... but why is the user prompted twice if enter is pressed after each input char? (i'm happy it's fixed but confused as to what happens when the user screws up) brandon
  20. oopsi meant ulong.... sorry just a typo there i have this number which i achieved with some bit manipulation 13677596995068362752 i'd like to check and be sure that this number = 16 leading 1's and all 0's afterwards (for 64 bits total) all conversion utils i've used don't seem to take ulong into account so i'm having trouble getting the values i need thanks brandon ****** PROBLEM SOLVED ******* keep it simple stupid lol.... MS Calculator did my calculations fine. :rolleyes:
  21. sounds like a job for the api... i'd give you a good api resource or something but i don't have one at the moment. get to searching :) brandon
  22. I need to convert a 64 bit binary number to an integer. I'm looking for a program which can make calculations this large for me. Any know of a some good freeware? I've looked some... no winners yet thanks brandon
  23. I need to perform I/O on a file that could be accessed by multiple people at the same time on a server. I understand some basic issues with this and I've thought of ways to 'cheat' so that it would work if i wanted it to bad enough. I'm sure ms thought of these type of things before hand though. Where's a good place to research this topic? What sort of things does .NET have to aid in this process? I think this 'file' may become a database one day. actually i'm pretty sure it will be. How much will this complicate things? Thanks for any help i'll soon try and help a few people who haven't gotten a reply if i see some. brandon
  24. declare a new streamreader object and use it's read or readline properties if you want to make sure the words come back formatted the way you want you should use the writeline and readline methods of the streamwriter and streamreader respectively also you don't really need to call the flush method because when you close the file is 'flushed' then i hope that helps brandon
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