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Everything posted by bpayne111

  1. the value of those bytes are 0 by default. I'm not sure exactly what you are doing but i think that should help
  2. sounds wierd... in wierd events situations like that i always try and add some sort of flag to let me know if i want to execute my code or not. Add a boolean field to your Class and see if you can make that help someway (until you find out the real issue of course)
  3. Me.Cursor.Hide
  4. Search MSDN for "Streams" that will show you the new cool way to write to files
  5. i believe that all derived classes must be declared <Serializable> as well.. i had a similiar issue and i was forced to add this to all my classes to get it to work. it's funny how me and you are having the same troubles at about the same time... good luck
  6. i have a similar issue in the General section of these forums. I was told that you can't use this property in Sub New()... although i haven't tested it yet i have a feeling that you are experiencing the problem i'm about to have when i get home from school today.. check out my post to get more info
  7. on the internet :)
  8. are you sure it doesn't work in the constructor? it seems to do fine.. although i havn't tested it yet. if you are correct do you mind a brief explanation of why this property won't work in Sub New()? if sub new doesn't work will this defeat it's purpose in my case? all of my initialization occurs in Sub New() and i would like to check the DesignMode property just before i initialize anything. I think i'm going to start a divil fan club.
  9. make sure you add reference to that .dll to your project if it is not written in the same project if the reference is there already... make sure you use the complete namespace your error message doesn't seem to match up with your question... are you sure it's the enumeration that's the problem maybe these ideas will at least get u on some sort of track
  10. Is there a way that i may find out if a control is drawn during run-time or design time? I was considering some playing around with the sub new method but that won't work.... there has to be to do it somewhere in this framework. I've looked aroudn in the Reflection Namespace but have had no luck. I'm trying to create a control design interface when a control i have designed is dropped on the form. the idea is very simple... If the control is dropped on a form during design time... give the user an option of of using a custom form designer to dictate the properties for the new control if the control is added during runtime however i would like this feature dropped an automatically added to a form the idea is virutaully identical with dropping a DataAdapter on a form and using it's form designer. any ideas to this one will be very appreciated
  11. are there any constants that will represent the height or width of the borders or titile bar of a form? just curious
  12. thanks divil... i had tried that before and it didn't seem to work for me... i'll try again and see what my results are.
  13. hmmm good question.... have you considered a tool tip instead? you could show the tool tip whenever the word is too big just an idea
  14. I'd like to restrict the mouse cursor when the mouse is down on a custom control i've created. Any suggestions? Anyone know any good links to API calls for .net? thanks
  15. if you are trying to save a custom object to disk you should read the help files on "Serialization"
  16. you do realize the Next statment increments the value by the step THEN checks to see if it is still valid.. if it is out of the defined bounds then the loop terminates thought the value stays the same what makes you think these 2 will be the same? what number are you trying to return?
  17. i'm not totally sure what you are trying to do but this may help System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("filename including namespace if it is different than default") use GetNames method to find out the name of your file this is probably not what you need but it might help
  18. lol
  19. bpayne111


    I'm getting pretty tired of typing every little property and declaration i need... so i figured i would right a program to help make 10 or more properties much faster and then add error checking myself I have 3 options i thought of 1. create a program that will quickly let me add properties to a textbox, and then save this as a .vb file 2. same as number one but using clipboard instead 3. use Macros all 3seem like valid solutions to me but i think the key lies in macros. i'm going to start reading up on them in the next few minutes. i'm just looking for anyone to tell me that macros are the best solution for this task
  20. yes i was about to guess that lol thanks for your help
  21. ok so i've done some more research at msdn so i'd like to know if i got this right... if i create a class that implements IEnumerable and then define my own movenext method...When i use a For Each... Next statement it will work according to how i defined it in MoveNext? so hypethetically i could actually make it only enumerate through 1 item of a list if i'd like? hmmm interesting let me know ps divil... one of these days i'm gonna help you lol thanks
  22. yes actually that is the part that i understood, i do not understand how i'm supposed to implement it so that it works correctly with a for each statement in other words i understand the concept but not the actual coding of the interface itself care to explain a lil more? thanks
  23. Anyone up for explaining IEnumerable and IEnumerator? I'm familiar with Interfaces, and i slightly understand the purpose of these 2 in particular. The help files have left me pretty confused. A tiny snippit of code would be wonderful. Thanks
  24. I figured it out... it was because the server name was actually BNPayne\VSDotNET yay thanks for the help
  25. i tried it the computer locks up and i get an error that says it doesn't exist isn't my computer name supposed to go here? should i turn my firewall off before using it i notice it tries to access the internet for some reason. This is getting aggrevating thanks for your help
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