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Everything posted by yewmeng

  1. hi all... i have 2 form form1 --> mdi parent form2 ---> mdi child + button1 form 2 will show by clicking the menu at form 1 after that the menuitem will disable, button1 is unload form 1 and enable back the menuitem. my probelm is how to enable back the menuitem which i have disable i have try the following code at button 1 but is not working dim form1 as new form1 form1.menuitem.enable = true me.close pls help me, im stuck:confused: thx in advance
  2. try this code at combo box selected index change combobox.ContextMenu = ContextMenu1
  3. what should i do to change the decimal point as (.) instead of (,)
  4. i try the code but the output is still the same :confused:
  5. its working!!! thx so much 1 more silly question when i input a float number but the output is integer example 2.2 in txtCostIn.text 4 in txtQuantityIn.text suppose that 8.8 will show in totalCostIn.text but the output is 88.
  6. Private Sub txtCostIn_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtCostIn.TextChanged If Not IsNumeric(txtCostIn.Text) And Len(txtCostIn.Text) > 0 Then MessageBox.Show("") Else totalCostIn.Text = txtCostIn.Text * txtQuantityIn.Text End If End Sub Private Sub txtQuantityIn_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtQuantityIn.TextChanged If Not IsNumeric(txtQuantityIn.Text) And Len(txtQuantityIn.Text) > 0 Then MessageBox.Show("") Else totalCostIn.Text = txtCostIn.Text * txtQuantityIn.Text End If End Sub i put the code inside the textbox oreadi but have error message when i insert the number error message An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in microsoft.visualbasic.dll Additional information: Cast from string "" to type 'Double' is not valid. pls help me to fix it
  7. can u show me the code? thx so much!!!:)
  8. i want to make it automatically and my problem is do not know how to make it automatically
  9. yup the error control i done oready In textbox1 n Texbox2 i put the following code if not IsNumeric(textbox2.text) then messagebox.show("input is not a number") end if my problem is changes in textbox1 and textbox2 will automatic change the output in textbox 3. example i key in 3 in textbox1 and 2 in textbox2 then the output should be 6 and show in textbox3. then i change the value in textbox1 to 2 n the output in textbox3 will automatically to 4. please help me i really stuck:confused: thx in advance
  10. so the code u posted at here is using in C# not in vb .net?
  11. im using vb .net language in vb i juz typed textbox3.text = trim(textbox1.text) * trim(textbox2.text) but the code not working at vb .net
  12. hi all.... i have 3 textbox tetxbox1.text tetxbox2.text tetxbox3.text the output in textbox3 is textbox1 * textbox2 changes in textbox1 n text textbox2 will automatic change the output in textbox3. the input in textbox1 n textbox2 r number pls help me thx in advance:)
  13. thx so much im reading now and try to understand it. but can u post the code for me when u r working? coz i still fresh in dataset and i need more references. the code show that we need 2 use algorithm 2 check the value 1 by 1 rite? so mean that it not like in sql statement juz use the select distinct? one more question? wat is the advantages in dataset instead of sql statement to connect a database
  14. hi all, im a newbie vb .net im using dataset instead of sql statements to make database connection and modifying data. i have a table with a column call abc i want 2 select all the data in that column and show in a combobox at a windows form but i juz want 2 show the data once if the column hav more than a records are same. for sql statement is select distinct (column name) from (table name) how about in dataset? pls help me thx in advance
  15. its working !!!! thx so much and have a nice day
  16. hi all, pls help me to solve this problem i have 3 forms form1 -> mdi parent form2 + button1 -> mdi child form 3 -> mdi child form2 n form3 access by clicking the menu at form1 now when i click at button1 in form2, form3 will show i have tried the following code, the form was show but not inside the parent form1 dim form3 as new form3 form3.show pls help me thx in advance
  17. thx so much !!!
  18. i m a beginner in vb .net my problem is dunno how 2 select a value from a listview let says i have 3 columns in my list view column1, column2, column3. n i want to select a value from column 1 n assign it to a textbox pls help me !!! thx in advance:D
  19. child form control thx so much !!!! mutant i have another problem for child form let says i hav 3 forms form1 -> mdi parent form2 + button1 -> mdi child form 3 -> mdi child form2 n form3 access by clicking the menu at form1 now when i click at button1 in form2 form3 will show i have tried the following code, the form was appear but not inside the parent form1 dim form3 as new form3 form3.show pls help me thx in advance
  20. thx so much but why the aplication for form 1 is still at the taskbar n how 2 get rid of it? although i clicked at the aplication form 1 at taskbar was nothin to show
  21. hi there i m a begineer vb .net my problem is i hav 2 form form1 + button1 form2 when i click at button 1 form2 will load n form1 will unload i hav tried this code but cant working dim form2 as new form2 form2.show me.close the result is terminated the program last time i used vb can working form2.show unload me pls help me !!! thx in advance
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