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Everything posted by donnacha

  1. Hi folks, does anybody know if it is possible to put something like a checkedlistbox into a crystal report. I have a large checklist box in my application that I would like to put in a report and do not know how to do it. Any help would be great.
  2. This should do it a lot easier for you. In your load procedure insert the following code Me.ControlBox = False
  3. I would prefer to use a datagrid as I would have to learn the listbox and I have also got buttons in my grids. I have long since tried the preferred height, but like the others to no avail. The only thing i get is taht when I click in the cell I get to see all the contents. Thsi si not sufficent as I need to be able to print it as well. I have an example aplication that uses a 3rd party component but I do not want to use 3rd party components if at all possible, but this does show me that it does work, all I need now is to figure out how they did it. Any further ideas.
  4. Thanks but I have already tried that plus theCol.TextBox.WordWrap= True but It still doesn't work this is really a pain, ther must be some way to do it, I have searched everywhere for possible examples. Does anybody know of an alternative to a datagrid that would allow me to do this. Tahks again:-\
  5. Thanks, but getting the text into the checklist is not the problem, taht is done directly throught the datasourse field. I know the full thext is there but the user needs to be able to see the full text string. Thus I need something like a line/text wrap functionality to allow the whole string to be visible. Any Ideas..
  6. Hi folks, I am trying to use a checklist box where I fill the data from a database table. The text is too long to fit in one line and I can not make the control any wider. Does anybody know how to allow multi-line text to be associated with each checkbox item. :confused:
  7. Hi folks, I am trying to display data in a datagrid that is too wide for the datagrid column. The datagrid takes up the full screen so I can't make it wider. Does anybody know how to make the datagrid text box a multi-line text box. I have tried a few things with table styles but nothing has worked yet. Any Ideas.:confused:
  8. What a pain, why do Microsoft do this to us!!! Can I use a different provider other than Jet 4.0 for MS-Access. I have tried one or two other providers a while ago ant they did not work, then Jet worked, so I never investigated any further.
  9. Hi folks, I am using VB and ms-access in an application and have used the provider Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;. This works fine. Now I have recently tried to deploy the application on windows 2000 machine and it failed because the machine had MDAC 2.5. I have been looking at the MDAC 2.6/2.7 versions and they indicate that the Jet OLEdb provider is not included any more. It needs to be added seperately. To avoid this problem, is there another provider that can be used instead and are there any drawbacks of it. Thanks for any help
  10. Hi folks, I have written a 3-tier VB application using MS Access, but would also like to be able to use other databases such as MYSQL or SQL Server without having to change my application. Does anybody have an example of how this can be done without too much pain. Thanks for any help
  11. You need to include your own application setup file in the same directory as the bootstrap setup file, see the following example. [bootstrap] Msi=Setup2.msi 'LanguageDirectory=jpn 'ProductName=Coolea Hazza-Class 'DialogText= 'CaptionText= 'ErrorCaptionText= FxInstallerPath=NET_Framework/
  12. Multi-line data in a datagrid row Hi folks, I am trying to put text into a datagrid that does not fit in the normal view. I want to allow the datagrid to allow for multi-line data in the datagrid row. I ame using a TableStyles and have tried to modify the textbox definition to allow for the mult-line as follows Dim ts1 As New DataGridTableStyle() ' Add a second column style. Dim TextCol1 As New DataGridTextBoxColumn() TextCol1.MappingName = "E_Description" TextCol1.HeaderText = "E Description" TextCol1.Width = 500 TextCol1.TextBox.AutoSize = True TextCol1.TextBox.Multiline = True TextCol1.TextBox.WordWrap = True TextCol1.TextBox.Height = 50 ts1.GridColumnStyles.Add(TextCol1) E_List.TableStyles.Add(ts1) When I run the application, I am still left with the single line data. Does anybody have any idea how to get around this problem Many thanks :confused: :(
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