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Everything posted by donnacha

  1. Hi Robby, I have never used ItemTemplate, but the help seems to indicate that they are only accessible for mobile wev forms. I am in a standard windows app. Thanks
  2. Hi Robby, I wish life was so simple, I have to display all the text in the grid and it can be any length from 1 to 1024 or larger. I know it can be done as there are commercial version of it available, but I am not in a position to use them as I need to have all the source code in my application. So any ideas would be great. I am currently getting around the problem by drawing my own datagrid with labels/testboxes/richtextboxes but this is very slow to draw (and vissible) if there is a lot of data.
  3. I takeit you haven't tried displaying text in a datagrid that needs more than one line to display it. I know one can autosize a colume to fit the text, but my column must remain the same size. Thus try displaying a large amount of text in 1 of the rows and have that individual row resize and each other row resize to the number of lines necessary. The word-wrap and multiline fields in the datagridtextboxcolumn do not seem to do the as the imply. Thus there-in lies the problem
  4. Hi folks, has anybody managed to solve the long standing problem of having multi line text in a cell of a datagrid. I know this has been around the forum for a while, but somebody may have cracked it. Looking forward to see if there are any new ideas.
  5. Hi folks I have an application where I have forms docked inside a main form. The main form has a banner and the inner forms have a textbox & toolbar and normal form stuff. The problem I have is that when the inner form is loaded I get a resize to the right size followed by a resize to a taller form then back to the right size. This results in a disticnt flicker/redraw on the form which is not nice. Has anybody come across something like this or know how I can trace where the 2nd & 3rd re-size are coming from. Thanks for any help:confused:
  6. Hi you can do this by setting the borderstyle to sizeable and then setting the contrplbox to false and the text of the form to blank.
  7. Hi folks, I have banaged to get the background transparency problem solved by creating an inherited RichTextBox and setting up the styles in the constructor as follows Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, True) Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, True) Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, True) Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, True) I have tried it with different combinations of the above and get slightly varying results. In all cases I get the background OK but I do not get the text. I have also tried adding Protected Overrides Sub OnPaintBackground(ByVal pevent As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Me.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0) Me.ForeColor = Color.Black End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Me.ForeColor = Color.Black MyBase.OnPaint(e) End Sub to see if it will add the text, but is doesn't Any Suggestions
  8. A problem with DrawString is that I can not pass a formatted string to it. For example the string I have is in RTF format with, Bold, Italics, and alternating text Colors. I can format this easily externally and pass it to the RichTextBox. I don;t think I can do the same with DrawString. If I have missed out on something here let me know..
  9. Hi folks, I am a bit blocked on this one and am open to any suggestions or alternatives. I have a form with a background Image and I want to put Formatted text over it. This text varies so I can not incorporate it in the image. I am currently using a Richtextbox but I have tried every form of background setting but I can not get it to be transparent with the background image being visible under the text. Any suggestions:confused: I have also notices a similar problem with the PictureBox controol. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  10. Hi folks, this is probably very trivial, but does anybody know how to setup the standard toolbar so that when the mouse hovers a button on the toolbar that the button becomes focused. Thanks for any help
  11. Hi folks, I am trying to find out how to use XP thems but am finding it hard to get anything to start off with. I am using VB.NET 2002. Cany anybody point me in the right direction. Thanks
  12. the Multiline field does not seem to work, I don;t thing any of the built in functionality will help to get a multi-line grid. Sorry
  13. Hi folks, has anybody come across an example of a combobox that allowes each entry to be on multiple lines with word-wrap etc...
  14. Good luck in finding a solution to this without writing ypur own datagrid control. If you delve into the datagridcolumstyles and look at the datagridtextboxcolumn you will see that like the normal text box it has multiline etc.. parameters. They do not seem to work as the row will be limited to the preferredrow height. You can change the preferredrowheight but this will only change the height for all the rows, and this is probably not what you want to do. There is no method that allows you to change an individual row height (or none that I have found.) Thus unless somebody has solved this problem you need to either buy an external 3rd party component (not always possible) or write your own datagrid control using textboxes or labels etc... (not as difficult as you may think it is to do this) Sorry for no easy solution to your problem.)
  15. Is there a way to avoid the uninstall doing this or to avoid putting the dll in the deployment as I want the users to have Acrobat Reader installed as a pre-requisite. The IDE included the dll directly itself.
  16. Hi folks, has anybody come across a problem like this. I am using the Adobe pdf dll to allow me to load pdf files in my windows app. No when i install the app for test purposes on the development PC it works fine, but after I de-install it I can no longer see the pdf component in Visual studio and the dll reference is not visible. Is there something I am doing wrong in the deployment :confused:
  17. This is a very common problem with people and one that is difficult to fix, especiall if there is a lot of data in your forms. One thing to do is to ensure that as much of the init is done in the form.new event as opposed to the load event, this will speed up the display of the new form. Another thing you can do is to trap the form1.close event and in this before calling the form1.dispose, display the second form etc... Check also what compile option you are using, debug or release, debug is much slower on the form change, so try it on release and see what you get. If anybody finds a surebet way of doing this then let the world know.
  18. If newid is common to both tables then you can still use the join in your select statment. You could also use a dataview for the data in your 2nd table and setup a Filter which is a combination of all your newid in table 1. The 2nd table/grid just needs to use the datview as the datasource and you will have what yu want in the 2nd grid.
  19. Sounds like a cunning plan to me, but you could also use a join in your select statment to pull the data from both tables. The must have a common filed to allow you to do this. Me I would use 1 table.
  20. Hi jahan, just use the datatablestyles and you can do all that.
  21. Hi mutant, you are right, you can not do this for a top level control, it is just a matter of setting this to false and it will work fine. It is also much easier thatn MDI stuff.
  22. Hi grivero, I presume you mean updating the PrefferedRowHeight of the grid. If this is the case it canges all the rows of the grid, not just the ones that need to be changed.
  23. donnacha


    Hi Winston, do you have an example of the call to SetProcessWorkingSize and is there an extra component to be added to allow it to work. I see it does not work with Win 98. Thanks
  24. Thanks mutant, that worked fine, although I had to remove some IDE added instructions to get it to load the file. CType(Me.AxPdf1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() & CType(Me.AxPdf1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit()
  25. Hi folks, I am trying to find a way to load pdf files in a windows app, similarly to how one loads an rtf file to a richtextbox. Does anybody know if it is possible todo this.
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