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Everything posted by donnacha

  1. There is a ".Visible" property on the toolbar buttons, you should set this to visible when you add them programmatically, you probably have the default set to not visible.
  2. No Just add code similar to the following when you are settion up the tablestyle and away you go... Dim cm As CurrencyManager = BindingContext(dgrid.DataSource, dgrid.DataMember) Dim dv As DataView = cm.List dv.AllowNew = False
  3. Have you tried setting the enable flag instead of the readonly, that might allow you to change the color.
  4. If it is config data woudl you not be safer saving it off to a config file/database so that it will be preserved and can be used the next time the app starts etc..
  5. Have you installed SQL Server before .NET and VS, I know in the past that has really f.... some installations
  6. The way to do it is using Environment.GetCommandLineArgs Environment.GetCommandLineArgs.Length is the count of parameters present Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(n) is the nth comand line arg That is all you need
  7. Once you have included a refernce to the dll in your project then you should be able to use the NameSpace of that dll to access the form. NameSpace_xx.CustomFormA etc.....
  8. Hi folks, I am trying to find a quicker way of fill data into a table in MS Word. I am currently doing it cell by cell e.g. With mobjWord.ActiveDocument.Tables.Item(2).Cell(l_row, 5).Range Try .Delete() .InsertAfter(Text:=p_dset1.ds_dataset.Tables(0).Rows(tmp1).Item("Year")) Catch ex As Exception End Try End With [code] Any Ideas how it could be done better/quicker :-\
  9. Hi folks, I am trying to find out how I can add multiple rows to an existing table in MS word. I am currently onening a word templeate that has the table created and formated. Now depending on how musch data I have to output I add new rows to the table with the .Add method. This works fine but is really slow. Does anybody know how to add multiple rows. I know I could create a new table, but then I have to add the formatting code. Any help would be great.. :D
  10. Are you trying to do ASP or windows aps as if it is ASP it could be that you do not have IIS setup to allow VS/ASP to write to your local web server.
  11. Having worked as a project manager for years, nothing annoys me more than having to do stuff the isin't necessart and can be done easier. As a project manager this feature would be more than enough to annoy me and stop me buying.... Our goal is to make the end users life easier, otherwise they might as well use a piece of paper....
  12. Kind of goes against the microsoft ethos doesn't it. I am sure it won't be easy.
  13. Be carefull that the end users security/spyware setup will allow you to modify the register. Isin't the registry being doneaway with in the next version of office. Either way you need to do some coding, nothing fancy comes cheap...
  14. Penfold69 is right in how to do it, there are other ways as well but all of them require a fair bit of coding/management to implement something that is already present as the default functionality. Have fun with your boss.
  15. try this small change if (frm== null) { frm=new frmProcesos(); } frm.Show(); frm.Visible=true;
  16. The class you want is System.Net.Cookie but again this is for ASP as the help says "The Cookie class is used by a client application to retrieve information about cookies received with HTTP responses. The following cookie formats are supported during parsing the HTTP resonse headers: Netscape, RFC 2109, and RFC 2965." Stop trying to do ASP stuff in windows apps, windows allows you to do things easier than asp..
  17. What on earth are ye trying to do, bring ASP restricted functionality into a windows app. I have never seen a windows app that works the way ye want it to do. Yier end users will not like it. Try what I suggested, it does work. Download Micrisoft's 101 .NET samples, that will help you as yes seem to be a bit lost on how windoes apps can work.
  18. Once you have bound your data source to the datagrid and the datagrid is not set as readonly then all you have to do is type in the cells in the grid and the datasource will be updated automatically. Just try it, it is not too difficult. The buildin help in VS will give you some help.
  19. You can do what you like with an xml file so look for examples of reading/writing to xml files.
  20. You can add the data directly to the combobox using the ".add", it is basically a collection and then you can use it away. But as suggested above, putting it in a dataset may help in the long run as it may also be worth storing this info in you database to allow for updates without having to change your code...
  21. I believe you can do it directly by DGStats(j,i) = string.Empty; but you may have to force the binding afterwards
  22. How do you physically want to do this, with drag drop or what have you in mind.
  23. What are you asking, how to mod data in a datgrid ??? If this is it, then do as you did in ASP, bind the data to the datagrid and when you type in the grid, the data should be updated for you.
  24. I don't like silent installs as the client should know what is being installed, you would be suprised how sensitive IT Admins can be if stuff is installed without them knowing about it.
  25. The way to do this is to use the DataGridTableStyle and set the colume width to 0 or just leave the colume out of the table style altogether. Sometimes it is better to set the width to 0 in case you want to access all the data in the datagrid as opposed to its datasource. It depends on your needs.....
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