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Everything posted by donnacha

  1. Hi folks, I have a windows app where i trap exceptions in try..catch etc and handle them there when they occur. I sometimes output a message to the user if necessary and also write the output to the console (Console.writeln(...). This is fine when I am working in debug mode in VS. But is it possible to see the console messages when the program is runningin standalone mode. Can I redirect the console message to something usefull, without having to add loads of code. Any help is greatly appreciated. :-\
  2. The reason why I used the IsNull in the first place is that the online help for Dataview.RowFilter says I tried it on non date comumns and it seemed to work OK Is it a pecularity with date columns (see error message in origional post.) The Is Null is working for me I am hust trying to understand why there is a difference between what works and ehat the online help says should work. (Then again it is Microsoft, so maybe there is no reason)
  3. If you wish to display more than one item in the combobox then try adding a phantom column to rour data set e.g. my_dataset.Tables(0).Columns.Add("Full_Name", System.Type.GetType("System.String"), _ "Title_Name + ' ' + First_Name + ' ' + Middle_Name + ' ' + Surname") This creates a column "Full_Name" that is made up of the other columns. You could then use ComboBox1.DisplayMember = "Full_Name"
  4. I have change the filter to use "Postal_Date IS NULL" and that works. Maybe I had the wrong end of the stick altogether with the IsNull method, cany anybody explain the difference.
  5. Try the following (VB Code) Dim cm As CurrencyManager = BindingContext(dataGrid1.DataSource, dataGrid1.DataMember) Dim dv As DataView = cm.List dv.AllowNew = False
  6. Hi folks, I am trying to create a dataview where I want to filter the rows based on a date column containing Nulls. No all the examples on filtering for null give "Isnull(Col1,'Null Column') = 'Null Column'" Now when I replace Col1 with my column name for my date column "Isnull(Postal_Date,'Null Column') = 'Null Column'" I get the following error "Cannot perform '=' operation on System.DateTime and System.String." Has anybody solved this problem or am I doing it all wrong. :confused: :confused:
  7. You have to use DataGridTableStyle to customise the columns that you want to display in the datagrid from the dataset. :)
  8. Hi folks, I am having a problem display dates in the windows forms datagrid. I am taking the data from a dataset and access where there are some dates re 00:00:00. I have tried setting the format field of the datacolumn to "d" but his has no affect. I have seen this on other forurms, but with no definitive working solution. :confused:
  9. Have you considered using a collection as the output type, this gives you great flexibility and ease of access to the results
  10. You have probably solved it by now, but if not, maybe this will help as this sample updates the docuent property "Full_Name". Dim mobjWord As Word.Application mobjWord = CreateObject("Word.Application") With mobjWord.ActiveDocument 'Update the custom properties. With .CustomDocumentProperties Try .Item("Full_Name").Value = "Fred Flintstone"
  11. Use tablestyles to determine what is and is not displayed in the datagrid.
  12. You should be able to do it, once you have the drag/drop enabled and of course the necessary handling code in place.
  13. Any suggestions of even other ways of doing it are welcome.
  14. I think you are missing the point. What I ultimately want to do is dump the dataset information into a table in an MS Word document. I can do this by looping through the dataset and writing to individual cells in the table in word, the only problem is that this is so slow that it hurts to sit and watch it. So what I was thinking wast I could take the xml representation of the dataset and dump this, now I have seen exampls of this done but they all rewuire one to manually create an xslt, my problem is that my dataset is dynamically generated and can be different everytime, so I need a way to do this on the fly as they say.... Any more ideas ....
  15. Hi folks, does anybody know what the easiest way to dump a dataset to word is that doesent take all day to transfer the data. Is it somehow possible to do using the xml repsentation of the dataset, and if so how can one generate ans xslt from the dataset. Any Ideas :confused:
  16. I agree, it should be fine to have multiple frameworks present.
  17. why do you need the owner drawn aspect, standard toolbar buttons allow you to have images on them and as I indicated, you will not have the problem you have.
  18. Can you just read it as an XML file and access the data as parameters
  19. A lot of the 3rd party components that you can buy are licensed. I don't see any reason why you can't do it, it is basic xml file access that can be done anywhere not just in UI stuff.
  20. The problem is probably due to the '.AllowNew' property of the dataview being set to false.
  21. In form 1, declare an instance of form 2 and the call the .Show/Showdialog method to get them 2nd form. Then in the 2nd form when it is finished close the form with me.Close ore something like that
  22. You need to overide the paint method of the control and do it there
  23. Works fine for me, and I do nothing specific for it, I do have all my images in an imagelist, will that help you.
  24. You probably need to make it an embedded resource that is compiled into the dll and then use the resource manager to access it.
  25. I have no idea what you are trying to say, but if you want to read the selected text you can see it either in combobox.Text or combobox.SelectedText
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