Gicio, I had the same problem and was tearing my hair out over it for a couple of hours but I've managed to come up with a solution. It seems, thanks to Microsoft's substandard quality control, they have created an Install button that doesn't actually install. The javascript behind the button is screwed so the best bet is to manually enter the command into the command prompt.
The syntax for the command is....
msiexec /qb+ /i E:\vs_setup.msi NOVSUI=1 TRANSFORMS="E:\Setup\Rmt9x.mst" SERVER_SETUP=1 ADDLOCAL=Full_Remote_Debugging
Where E is the letter for the DVD drive. If you're installing off a network you can always map a different letter to the installation directory.
I realise I'm posting this 16 months after you but I figure someone else might drop by with the same problem.