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Everything posted by randy_belcher

  1. do you have to reload or refresh a page when you call a web service? or can you make the page look like nothing is happening eventhough you are executing a web service function?
  2. yes, it is a client app. I want a client app to access memory stored by a web service using context.cache("variablename")
  3. can a vb.net app access the context.cache memory of a web service?
  4. ok, there is a little more to this problem than the initial question. I have a web service that runs an intensive data query. It takes anywhere from 10 to 20 seconds to retrieve the results. A timer variable is held in the cache to make sure the query is only ran once every 30 seconds, no matter how many requests are made to the service. To keep everyone from waiting on the data. The data is also cached in memory. The wait problem occurs when a request comes in after the 30 seconds and the data needs required. My solution was to get the data on a separate thread. Another words, when the data needs required, start a thread to save the data in the cache, but go ahead and return the data that is currently in the cache to the requestee, so he doesn't see a big pause on his screen. The problem is, I never get any data, so I believe the thread is not completing or the data is not being saved in the cache correctly? Will the thread not complete if the service ends because the currently cached data is returned so quickly? Any help is appreciated. Thanks. Randy old question: Hello everybody! How can I access the Context.Cache in a class in my web service? Thanks. Randy
  5. that changes the entire page to h2.htm, not the iframe; however, the following code works the way i want it to: document.all["ifram2"].src = "h2.htm"; thanks for the help
  6. thanks for the response. If I use the IFrame how do i get it to refresh with a new page? Just for testing i have 2 htm pages. One with a blue background and one with a red background. the red loads by default. on the click of a button i have the following code, but the page remains red. Any suggestions. Thanks again for the help. <script language=javascript> function Button_Click() { document.getElementById("ifram2").src = "h2.htm"; document.getElementById("ifram2").document.location.reload(); } </script>
  7. how could i implement an iFrame or an Html Server control to get the results I want.
  8. Hello everyone, I have a web service that returns a string of html data. I was wondering if I can do a partial page update, replacing the html that I currently have with the new html. Is this possible? Or will I have to rewrite the entire page again with the new html? Thanks. Randy
  9. thank you very much. i believe caching will solve my problem. if not, i am sure i will post again. thanks.
  10. Hello everyone, I have a question that may have no answer, but maybe someone can tell me how to accomplish this. Here's the problem. I want to create a web service that pulls data from a database every 4 or 5 minutes. I want to create a function that will return this information anytime it is requested. This way I reduce the number of hits on the database. Is there anyway to do this? or does the web service have to wait for a request before it can do anything? Thanks for the help.
  11. i got it, here are the two statements that work 'to open ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(strFileName, , False, , , "sa", , , , , , , ) 'to save ExcelApp.Workbooks(1).SaveAs(strFileName, -4143, , "sa", False, False, , , , , ) -4143 is the value of xlnormal for fileformat
  12. can anyone tell me how to save an excel workbook so that I can open it with readwrite privilages, but only allow readonly access to others. I have tried the following code but get the error, file is write reserved, when trying to save the file for the second time. Thanks for the help. 'save the file ExcelApp.Workbooks(1).SaveAs(strFileName, , , "sa", True, False, Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlShared, , , , ) 'open the file ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(strFileName, , False, , , "sa", True, , , True, , , )
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