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Everything posted by Malfunction

  1. In c# you would copy a reference that way. In order to copy the object you'd have to implement the interface ICloneable. You would then have a clone method.
  2. There's a table on that page listing the methods: GoBack Navigates backward one item in the history list. GoForward Navigates forward one item in the history list.
  3. Just add some buttons and let them call the browser's functions listed in the reference on that page.
  4. C ++ Tutorial not exactly what you need but might get the idea. On the left you can see other topics like "VB Reference".
  5. You're definately looking for the .Text property of the textBox. However in c# you'd have to cast the ctrl to textBox in order to get the textBox's properties still don't know about VB.
  6. Sorry I probably didn't really get the question. What do you mean by value of the textbox? Did you mean the text (string) contained in the textbox? That is contained in the textBox's text property --> textBox1.Text or however you write that in VB.
  7. When will VSN2005 be released?
  8. You can youse the ActiveX Webbrowser.
  9. If I place RadioButtons on my userControl (RadioButtonPanel) directly only one rb can be selected at a time without me having to implement anything - that's fine. However the radiobuttons I have to use are not controls derived from RadioButton but are userControls (myRadioButton) themselves containing a radiobutton. To get the original radioButton functionality working with myRadioButton controls I would do this: myRadioButton would catch the click event of the contained radioButton and fire a similar event itself. The RadioButtonPanel containing several myRadioButton controls would register their clickEvents and unselect all radioButtons but the one calling the event. Now I'd like to know if there's a better way to implement this functionality. Since MyRadioButton is a UserControl I'm using it in the designer thus registering the events manually is not very nice. I'd like them to have the same behaviour as the RadioButton controls.
  10. I've installed VSN2003 on W2K Prof first. How do I install the IIS afterwards in order to get ASP to work?
  11. Since we still don't have a forum dedicated to Visual Studio or at least to IDE's in general I'm gonna spam here: I'm creating a whole bunch of userControls. Visual Studio adds them all to one panel within the toolbox. I have three baseUserControls (A,B,C). Now I want VSN to put userControls derived from these three base classes into three different panels. Is it possible to convince VSN of doing so?
  12. I Don't know how to inherit methods correctly: Class A is the baseclass of B. Both have an Init() method. Class B's init method should only add functionality to the base class' init method. In class B I can either write new protected void Init() { base.Init(); ...do some more init stuff } or (given that Init() in class A is declared virtual) protected override void Init() { base.Init(); ...do some more init stuff } I know I'm messing up stuff ... plz tell me the correct usage of new and override thx :D
  13. I'm wondering what's the difference between those two methods. Using Invalidate I have the choice only to repaint only part of the control but whats the difference between calling Refresh() and Invalidate() without parameters?
  14. I'm working on a c# project (WinForms) using VSN2003 for more than six month now - not a single event got lost so far.
  15. the flexgrid is also available for .Net so you can use it for c# and vb.net
  16. I want to use controls derived from standard controls (e.g. RadioButton, ChackBox) as User Controls in order to show them in the forms designer. When I add a new user control and change it's inheritance to e.g. RadioButton the Radiobutton will appear during runtime but not in the designer. The designer only shows an empty user control. Is there a way to show an inherited control in the designer?
  17. Smiple task: I want my rtb to catch the tab key and actually add a "tab" to it's text instead of deactivating itself. I set tabstop to false but that only prevents the rtb being activated by tab not being deactivated. Maybe the next problem is a result of the rtb being deactivated by tab: protected override void OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs e) { MessageBox.Show(e.KeyCode.ToString()); base.OnKeyUp (e); } This will give me the name of every key but the tab key. If I get that to work (prevent the rtb from being disabled) how do I add the tab to the rtb's text? (couldn't find the escape sequence) Or did I miss a simple property that enables tabs?
  18. You can generally use the MouseEnter and MouseLeave events to change the picture. I asume you're using a picturebox to show the picture. You can either create a new class inheriting pictureBox. That class can override and that way handle the events itself. If the picturebox is only used once the parent control containing the picturebox can register the mouseEvents and change the picture of the pb (using the Image property). Edit: You can of course use MouseHover instead of enter and leave ;)
  19. You can blend in a bitmap at the cursor position while takng the screenshot :D :D :D
  20. Whats the status of XQuery in .Net? Couldn't any new infos on the web.
  21. I'd like to write a testMethod for my GUI. A simple button1.MouseUp(); would be nice - how can I achieve this? :rolleyes:
  22. The panel acts as a template. It contains a couple of textboxes. These "templates" are generated dynamically as is the number of textboxes within the template. Each template can be moved when it's status is set to moveable. Since the template is covered by textboxes (like in your solution) the template has to catch the textboxes' events. Hope it is now clear why I don't want the form to be involved - it simply doesn't have to know anything about the templates being moved (actually it doesn't even know anything about templates at all). I've played around with your solution and almost got it to work: The template catches the textboxes' events and moves without flickering but the upper left corner of the template always jumps to the cursor position. This is due to a wrong calculation (see code below). When I fix it this the whole thing starts flickering again. This is how it works but uses a wrong calculation: on mouseDown the template (panel) sets: this.posX = e.X; this.posY = e.Y; on mouseMove it sets: this.Location = new Point(this.Left+(this.posX+(x-this.posX)),this.Top+(this.posY+(y-this.posY))); this.posX = e.X; this.posY = e.Y; The template jumps to the Cursor's position because of the addition of posX and posY (marked blue). If I delete the blue code the mathematics should be correct but the template is drawn at two locations again and flickering. This is giving me headaches for days now :)
  23. No the textboxes should remain on the panel but the form shouldn't be involved in that process. In your code the form catches the textboxes' events and handles them (moving the panel). What I tried to do was to catch the events within the panel. So the panel would move itself and the form wouldn't be involved at all.
  24. One might think there should be a VS.Net forum or a general IDE-forum ;) I'm wondering if there's a way to organize the classes in the project explorer. So far I have 20 classes (basic classes, controls, forms and interfaces) and there are many more to come. Is it possible to create folders so I can sort all interfaces, forms that represent dialogs etc. Do I have to put the classes in "physical" subdirs to sort them or is there some way to just change the view of the explorer? thx
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