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Everything posted by Lemon

  1. I'm trying to do the folowing query: MyCommand = New OleDbCommand("SELECT id FROM wedstrijden ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,1", MyConnection) MyReader = MyCommand.ExecuteReader() MyReader.Read() But then i get an error: An unhandled exception of type 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException' occurred in system.data.dll I'm very sure that the table name enc is correct. When i try this, everything works: MyCommand = New OleDbCommand("SELECT id FROM wedstrijden ORDER BY id DESC", MyConnection) MyReader = MyCommand.ExecuteReader() MyReader.Read() So the problem is the LIMIT, i am used to this thing in sql with php. Is it possible that it doesnt work in de sql query with an acces db?
  2. Do you have a small tutorial how to use datasets?
  3. Hi, for example i have a query like this: MyCommand = New OleDbCommand("SELECT id FROM games", MyConnection) Now i need to know how i can get the number of rows that is selected, so an integer number. And my second question is. A structual problem :) If i have multible rows that are selected then i do while MyCommand.read .. End While Now what is the best way to get the values if i only SELECT 1 row?
  4. hmm, sorry it was the InputBox that still shows the old buttons enc. and with your code i get this error: 'EnableVisualStyles' is not a member of 'System.Windows.Forms.Application'. do i need to import something first to use it?
  5. Hi, when users click in my program to create a new user account, then they need to fill in all kind of forms. Multible one's. Now i do in my main program .showdialog But then its kinda hard to let it work with <back and forward> enc. Can anyone help me to create a good structure to do such things. I need to keep the variables to the end of all the sections. And when i go back, the fields have to be filled? Maybe to work with panels?
  6. I did the manifest thingy, now everything looks cool except de messagebox.show That one still got the old look :s Is their any way to change that one too?
  7. Ok maybe a stupid question, how do i open that ms-help link?
  8. Hey, all the programs that i create with visual studio.net have this old looking style at the buttons and groupboxes enc. Rectangle en no 3d effect on it(like in xp) also when i use them in xp, the buttons are the same. Is their a setting in visual studio.net to get the xp style buttons in my forms?
  9. OMG thx, thats exactly what i need Now i'm gonna try understand all the code init :D thx again you are a god :)
  10. Hey, Is it possible take a 'screenshot' of the stuff that is behind of an partically form. And then setting it as background, to get a 'fake' transparent effect? (idea from: adobe splash screens)
  11. Hi i created the following code to fill my combobox. I want to have nice cols so i tryed to use tabs. But the result can you see here: http://users.pandora.be/genenbossport/storage/pics/vb_prob.jpg the code: echo = "week:" & id.ToString & ControlChars.Tab & "- " & echoStartdatum & ControlChars.Tab & "t.e.m. " & echoEinddatum lstWeken.Items.Add(New Mylist(echo, id)) nm the mylist, it is just adding another hidden value / row in the combobox. I cant manage to get real tabs in my rows :s Anyone know how i can solve this. Its for a school project.
  12. Lemon

    Loader bar

    Yes i understand you. So i need to create like bookmarks in my code? but then is the loader jumping i think. For example, i do like 4 query's, filling an array enc en doing some calculations, then i need to put in that code bookmarks that update the loader?
  13. Lemon

    Loader bar

    Hi, How can i use a loaderbar while my program is reading a query from a database, or while inserting query's, or while doing a number of actions? Or while a listbox is filling itself enc.
  14. lol, its so simpel :D Thx ALOT
  15. Private Sub mnuBestandNewdb_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _ Handles mnuBestandNewdb.Click 'form1 Dim frmstartNieuweDatabase As New frmstartNieuweDatabase(Me) frmstartNieuweDatabase.Show() 'form2 Dim frmStap2NieuweDatabase As New frmStap2NieuweDatabase(me) frmStap2NieuweDatabase.Show() End Sub What i really want to do is. If i press on a button in form1 (Next). Then some stuff has is to to enc in form1, then after all that when its finished, it closed itself. On that point must open form2. But i dont have a clue how i can do this. I tryed to insert a while loop between the 2 forms with a var, but that just freezes my prog. Anyone has any idea how i can do this?
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