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About boes

  • Birthday January 19

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  1. Hey Salat, I think I had the same problem as you have. My Splash screen was flikkering as well. On top of my Splash screen needs to come information about what the program is checking and setting during the starting up period. In my form_load of the first screen that has to be shown after starting up I do a call to a Sub with name Splashscreen() the code in that sub is as follows: Public Sub Splashscreen() Dim Splash As Form = New frmSplash() Splash.ControlBox = False Splash.Show() System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents() Splash.Text = "Find Server ..." System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents() FindServer() Splash.Text = "Connecting with databases..." System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents() ConnectToCafcaSQL() ConnectToQuallityManagementSQL() ConnectToTemplates() Splash.Text = "Checking Securitylevel..." System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents() CheckSecurityLevel() Splash.Text = "Checking parameters..." System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents() Parameters() Splash.Close() End Sub This solved my problem. I hope you can use something of this. I also declared my main screen as a Public screen. I don't know anymore this was necessary or not. Give it a try.
  2. Hey LeeSalter, thanks for your code! Sorry it took so long to give a reply. I had some serious computer problems. Can you tell me what those numbers stand for when you write for example the code ServerInfo.Type = 266259. What does 266259 mean?
  3. Hey, In my application I want to make a list of all the servers names that are available in my network. What code do I need to put all those names into a combobox?
  4. Ok here is my SQL, strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT PLCTest.*, employee.id, employee.name, employee_1.id, employee_1.name " & _ "FROM employee AS employee_1 INNER JOIN (employee INNER JOIN PLCTest ON " & _ "employee.id = PLCTest.Verantwoordelijke) ON employee_1.id = PLCTest.Tester " & _ "WHERE ((PLCTest.Projectnr = '" & strProjectNr & "') AND " & _ "(PLCTEST.Status = 'OK') AND " & _ "(PLCTEST.Boardnr = " & GarantyBoardnr & ")) " & _ "ORDER BY PLCTest.IO" When I take out DISTINCT it works, with DISTINCT in my string it doesn't. PLCTest is a Acces table and employee is a table on SQL-server Boes
  5. I have a table called Testdata from database1 with following columns : itemid, item, state (this can be OK or Not OK) and employeeID. I make an innerjoin between employeeID from this table and employeeID from an other table called Employee from database 2. From that table I want to see the employee_name. What I want to get is every item that is OK. Every Item can be more then once in the table so when an item is 2 times in the table and is 2 times OK I get it 2 times in my datagrid. So I want to use the SELECT DISTINCT method but then I get an error. My question is : Can I always use DISTINCT or isn't it possible to use this when I'm also using INNERJOIN? I'm asking this because in an other case I can use DISTINCT but then I don't use an INNERJOIN. Or can't I use it because I'm working with 2 tables out of 2 different databases? Can someone give me an answer on this, please? PS at the moment the first database is in Acces. The second is already copied to SQLserver.
  6. Hey Nerseus, I'm going to check your method tomorrow when I'm back at work. So with this line p1.Exited += new System.EventHandler(this.OnProcessExited); I should be able to go further in my .Net program after ending the VB6 program?
  7. Hey thanks guys for the quick reply. Divil, I tried the ExecWait method but couldn't figure it out. ExecWait(cmd : String, tempFiles : TempFileCollection) The cmd is that the name of the program I want to start or a commandstring? I don't understand how to get the tempfilecollection programmed right? Can you give me an example on how to progam this ExecWait method. maybe you also need to know that I'm passing througd a commandstring to the VB6 application.
  8. I am building an application in .Net that works in combination with a VB6 program. I start the VB6 program out of my .Net program This VB6 program saves several data to a database. I want to see those changes in my .Net program a soon as I end my VB6 program. Example: I have a form in my .Net program. On this form I have a datagrid. Pushing a button the form of my VB6 program is showed (my VB6 program is started). There I save some data that has to be showed in the datagrid in my .Net program. When I close my VB6 form (actually end the VB6 program) I want to see the saved data in my datagrid of my .Net form. Is it possible to program what I want?
  9. Thanks, I'll try it and let you know if it worked
  10. Today I had this problem with Attaching a doc to my email in code. How can I do this in VB.NET? Does Anyone have an example of making an email in outlook through VBNET-code?
  11. Hello again, in VB6 there is a special form called splashscreen. How can I do this in DOTNET as there doesn't seem to be such a screen as in VB6? I want to show a splashscreen and on that screen I want to display some texts indicating that I'm connecting to my databases. When that is done, my main form has to be showed. The problem till now was that as soon as my mainform was displayed my application ended. Does someone have an idea how this is possible and how I can prevent this? I'm not working with MDIforms.
  12. Hey, I have the following problem : I have 2 forms. On form1 I have a datagrid that I fill using a dataset and datatable. When I make some changes on form2 the data in the grid on form1 should be updated as soon as I go back to form1. How can I do this? I already tried to refill my datagrid on form1 out of form2 with the same public function that I use to fill it in the first place (so when I start my application).
  13. Ok thank you very much!
  14. I want to run an executable written in VB6 starting out of my .NET program. I want to pass on some parameters (string and integer variable) too. I have heard I can do this whit a command line... Can Someone provide my some samplecode about this which contains passing through the parameters in .Net and collecting it in VB6? Thanks in advance
  15. Today I first tried : objWord.application.quit(). This gave the following error : Quit is ambiguous across the inherited interfaces Word_application and Word.ApplicationsEvents2_Event. After searching for some more time I changed : objWord As Word.Application into : objWord As Word.Application_class Then it was possible to use objword.application.quit() which solved my problem
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