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About Burning

  • Birthday 03/21/1980

Personal Information

  • Occupation
    Web Developer
  • Visual Studio .NET Version
    Visual Studio .NET Professional
  • .NET Preferred Language

Burning's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. In the simple example that all tutorials give us we do something like this, eh?: Dim cn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection cn.ConnectionString = "Provider=PervasiveOLEDB;Data Source=C:\Pastel04\SAJ2004" cn.Open() Dim cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand(txtSQL.Text, cn) Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(cmd) Dim ds As New DataSet ds.Clear() da.Fill(ds) C1TrueDBGrid1.DataSource = ds.Tables.Item(0) but when I reach about 20k records it starts getting reaaaaaallllllyyyyy sloooo ooooooowwwwwww..... And it happens right here !!! da.Fill(ds) Surely someone else must have noticed this? Can anyone point me to some work around so it loads the data dynamically, say 20 records at a time? I know there must be some resource out there that helps in this area... It's just, that i dunno what to put in Google to find... PLease help !! Thanx in Advance James Laker
  2. Hey gurus.... pls! Help
  3. I've been breaking my head with this problem. I have a custom control that exsist of a textbox and as Image. Protected WithEvents _Image As New System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlImage Now an image does not have a Click event... What do i need to do to add a Click event to it?? Any help will be appreciated! James
  4. I need to actually Pass a Reference from the Calling form to another form... And in My Other form Work with it, without knowing the name of the Variable on the Owner form. 'Calling code Dim thing As New Form2 '-- Has Variable strData as string on thing.ShowDialog(Me, strData) MsgBox(strData) I need to change the Value of strData in 'thing' without knowing the Variable name strData, so When i use the 'thing' i just pass the reference, and it gets changed... There has to be a way... Come on u Gurus... This should be easy for ya... Help a man out here...
  5. Thanx, but i don't want any Globals... I just want to pass the reference (byref)... Aren't there Pointers in VB? I specifically only want to change the Variable I pass when instantiating the Class... By doing this my Class won't need to know, what variable, to send back data to. Also, Anybody will be able to use it, without Affecting their style of coding (By adding Globals) I hope that makes sense :) L8er Burning
  6. I'm trying to find a way to pass Variables from Form to Form.... So I do this: Dim frmPetZoom As New frmPetZoom("CUSTOMER", strCustCode) frmPetZoom.ShowDialog(Me) '-- This is Modal '-- Get Chosen Value Back txtCustNo.Text = strCustCode frmPetZoom looks like this: Public Sub New(ByVal strCategory As String, ByRef strReturnVar As String) MyBase.New() . . . Now how do I Change the Reference from strReturnVar to something Global? Or is my Approach waayyyy off? Any input would be Appreciated :-\ Thanx Burning
  7. Oh okay... Thanx alot ! That helped.... :)
  8. Ahaa.... okay... Not to be a smartA55... but the MSDN says this: So is this wrong in the MSDN? Thanx again!
  9. I searched through this forum but i couldn't find any help on my problem... I'm trying to use the splashscreen to load all my other forms, like this: Public Class frmLoadscreen Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form Friend frmOptions As New frmGeneralOpions Friend frmShift As New frmShifts Friend frmSW As New frmSupervisorLogin Friend frmCash As New frmCashInterFace Friend frmMenu As New frmMenuConfig Now if i'm correct i should be able to access these forms from anywhere in my Project... I do a frmCashInterface.show on my main form and then how do i call the other forms from that Form? Any help would be appreciated... James
  10. I think you should use the request.form("Variable") to re-populate, but i might be wrong... I also had that problem and that was whaty i did... it Sounds a bit primitive (Good ol' ASP), so if you find a better way post it here... :) Regards James
  11. Thanx PlausiblyDamp... That's all i needed... I'll figure it out from here... "Could you be a bit clearer on what you mean by 'give users Rights' ?" It's a Internal Corporate Website where i only want the Directors to be able to use the Site. Thanx again.
  12. I changed my web.config file to this: <authentication mode="Windows" /> Now how can i see if the person logged on belongs to the domain. And how should I give users Rights? This system is for an Intranet. :confused: Any help would be appreciated... Regards James
  13. Just what i needed... Thanx dude!
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