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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Newbie (1/14)



  1. how can i include icons and bitmaps in my form, how to create a resource file ?
  2. is there a functiion in c# that convert seconds or milliseconds to time(00:00:00), and can we do that using directshow ?
  3. how can i capture an image to a file using directshow .net ?
  4. i'm using directshow .net, so how can i make the video plays in inverse. if it's not possible then how can i seek the video backward ?
  5. is attributs are imortant for making programs ? can someone give an useful exemple for this ?
  6. i have a control (msflexgrid) and i want to add to the events list of that control deletecell event, so when a cell is deleted in the control this event raise how can i do that ?
  7. i want to play a video without using directx, in vb i used the api function mcisendstring for this, but is there a better way in vb .net to do that ?
  8. can you give the name of a good book to learn well vb .net ? if it is on frensh, it would be better for me ! thank you :!
  9. i don't see in the vb .net tools the api viewer like vb6, where can i view the api fonctions ?
  10. where can i download directx9 sdk ? and how much it sizes ?
  11. how can i find the msvidctl tutorials, please ?
  12. where can i find some tutorials ?
  13. is there somthing better than msflexgrid control in vb .net ? if so, how can insert a row between rows ?
  14. what is the best way to make a video player program in vb .net ? i used mcisendstring in vb6, which have many problems and bugs, but is there any other way to make a media player in vb .net ?
  15. i am good in vb6, but when i upgraded to vb .net, i find many differents, am i supposed to learn vb from the start ?
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