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Everything posted by Phreak

  1. In case anyone else wants to know, I figured it out. report.SetDataSource(dsSeedList.Tables(CType(cmbTables.SelectedItem, String)))
  2. Is there a way to open outlook and a NEW email message to a specified email address from vb.net? So say I make a LinkLabel, and when clicked, it opens outlook with a new email message with the "TO" field already filled in with my email address. Thanks.
  3. Worked exactly how I wanted! Thanks!
  4. Ok, this is probably simple. But I want to be able to tell in my Main form, if the "Cancel" button on my login form is pressed. So that way, it doesn't do a bunch of junk in my main form since the user canceled the form.
  5. If I have multiple tables "cached" in a dataset, and a dropdown list of those tables, how can I set my datagrid to display these tables in the datagrid? For example I have: With DataGrid1 .DataSource = dsSeedList.Tables(CType(cmbTables.SelectedItem, String)) .AllowSorting = True .AlternatingBackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Beige .SetDataBinding(DataSet11, getTable) End With but that doesn't work. Anywhelp?
  6. How can I tell a crystal report object to use a dataset that is dynamically filled with a table from a database that different users will select?
  7. Yep... just figured it out! Thanks a ton!
  8. Where would I put that in the code? Thanks for the reply btw.
  9. How do I get VB.NET to know that this is defined: Dim sqlConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("server=" & ServIP & _ ";uid=" & UID & ";pwd=" & Pass & ";database=" & DBName) So I don't have to type things like this out: Dim sqlConn As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("server=" & ServIP & _ ";uid=" & UID & ";pwd=" & Pass & ";database=" & DBName) Because it keeps underlining "SqlConnection" and saying that it isn't defined. I have System.Data in my references. What else do I have to do?
  10. I'm using .NET... does that matter? Because it seems to not like any of the suggestions you guys are given me.....
  11. But is there a way to tell once it is connected? Like If conn.Open = True Then 'do this stuff EndIf (or something like that, i know it's probably not the right syntax, but i hope you get the idea)
  12. Ok, so I can connect to my database with the following code: UID = txtUsername.Text Pass = txtPass.Text ServIP = txtHost.Text DBName = txtDB.Text ConPort = txtConPort.Text conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") rs = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") conn.Open("Driver={MySQL};" & _ "Server=" & ServIP & ";" & _ "Port=" & ConPort & ";" & _ "Option=131072;" & _ "Stmt=;" & _ "Database=" & DBName & ";" & _ "Uid=" & UID & ";" & _ "Pwd=" & Pass & ";") This is all done on an initial "Login" form, and once there is a connection detected, I want it to go away and the main form to be displayed. Is there anyway to tell when the connection is made and if so, a way to pass the connection to the main form? Or can I not use persistant connections?
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