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Everything posted by FZelle

  1. Normaly you would use ADOX for this task, but since vista there is a problem with "just" adding that COM component, because vista has a version 6.0 of the mdac. But you can use this to get your goal: object ADOXCat = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("ADOX.Catalog")); ADOXCat.GetType().InvokeMember("Create", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, ADOXCat, new string[] { ConnectionString });
  2. You will always run into this problem, if you don't understand the problem. In FW 1.1 it was possible, but not advisable, to call the UI-Thread from the workerthread. In FW 2.0 this is not allowed anymore. You always have to invoke everything from the workerthread. If you only do easy things look at the backgroundworker. Otherwise look into Invoking.
  3. How are the Temp-Path settings on that one computer
  4. In FW 2.0 they are also part of the DataTable.
  5. No you don't neet to create DataRows. dataG.Rows[0]["Name"] has the value of the "Name" column in the first datarow
  6. That's because you've got the mdb in your solution and that one gets copied to the bin dir everytime you start in the IDE. Youz can change the properties of the file to "copy never".
  7. If you are useing the Database in Filemode, and you have the MDF in your project, than the file gets copied everytime you start the software, so all changes are overwritten.
  8. The Table in DataView is the unfiltered Table. So you are not looping through the filtered values. Easier for your purpose would be the DataTable.Select() funktion.
  9. http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Code/2004/Feb/ODP.NET02.asp Here you have everything needed for ODP. You are sure your Servername is correct?
  10. And why don't you use the order you want to use ( orderXmlItem )? You always use the rootnode ( order) !
  11. To create a new column in the DataBase you can't use this way. You have to use a normal SQL-Command like "ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMNNAME COLTYPE".
  12. This shouldn't work as expected. You are ignoring the view with oDataView.Table.Rows. You have to use oDataView = oDataTable.DefaultView For Each lo_node In lo_nodeSet.SelectNodes("attachments") lo_attachments = GetDataElement(lo_node, "attachments") ls_name = lo_attachments.GetAttribute("KeyName") oDataView.RowFileter = "name = '" & ls_name & "'" 'some code For Each oDataRowView In oDataView 'some code Next 'more code Next
  13. Just a question, why do you use a Provider that actually ignores ADO.NET and insists on it's own methods? If you would use http://sourceforge.net/projects/adodotnetsqlite/ for a FW 1.1 prg and http://sourceforge.net/projects/sqlite-dotnet2/ for a FW 2.0 program you could use the std. mechanisms in ADO.NET.
  14. Put Try/Catch around your DB-Code, than you get the real Problem in the Statement. Maybee some Parameters are to long, spelled incorrect ...
  15. You need the "new" Sql-Server express. The old one didn't have Fulltextsearch. With that Update you also get Reportingservices and the Managment Studio
  16. Just use the ParameterCollection of the Command, then the length of your data doesn't matter, and prevents you from getting sqlinjections. And there are alot of examples in the help or that.
  17. In the first example you are useing an UserId. Are you sure the db needs it? If the second ConString is working remove the user/pwd from the firstone.
  18. First of all, MSDE is dead, there is now the MS-Sqlserver Express. Secondly, there is now article on a MS site that states anything near an end of access.
  19. First of all, why that foreach loop? If RowState is deleted the rr.Delete() was already done. Secondly, the DataAdapter calls AcceptChanges so you don't have to do it. Just to give a more specific error-description set the ContinueOnError in the adapter and check what went wrong in every datarow, this way you get to the real problem. The concurence-ex comes when the original data in the DataSet is not in the DB anymore.
  20. The Problem might occure with Autoinc ( Identity ) Fields. The Commandbuilder doesn't generate code to get these after the update, so they might be different. If there is not that much data, clear the DataTable and read it in again, than you are save.
  21. OK, thats a good reason. Why is your SQL-Query so komplex? Can you split it up so that it gets smaller?
  22. Before you take such a big step, take a look at Linq/DLinq. Do search on msdn.microsoft.com for this. It is suposed to be ADO.NET 3.0 and has many things you might want, for ex. Attributes instead of XML for describing the Objects and some nice enhancements for the languages (C#, and VB.NET ).
  23. No, there is no real solution to that. The only way i know is to create a "real" DB and import everything. Why do you want to stay on DBase?
  24. http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/express/support/faq/default.aspx#pricing
  25. First of all, close the newly opened file, and the message will disapear. Secondly, why don't you use XML? DataSet1.WriteXml() is easy to use.
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