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Everything posted by Heike

  1. I have an ArrayList containing all selected TreeNodes in my TreeView. Now I want to delete them. How? I thought just using For Each DummyNode In alNodes Me.treDokumente.Nodes.Remove(DummyNode) Next would do it, but it doesn't. The first node is removed and then the error is something like "collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute". Even after a alNodes.Reverse before doing it, the same error occured. Any suggestions?!
  2. Thanks but unfortunately I'm not really sure how to do it. This is how I tried it: Private Sub treDatabase_BeforeExpand(...) Handles treDatabase.BeforeExpand If e.Action = TreeViewAction.Expand Then If CType(e.Node, DatabaseTreeNode).Database.lngTyp = enmNodeTyp.enmTable Then e.Cancel = True End If End If End Sub But then no expand is possible. Any ideas?
  3. Can anybody tell me the difference between List and Innerlist in a collectionbase? Thanks
  4. I have a treeview in my form. This treeview has a AfterSelect and a DblClick procedure. My problem is, that on a doubleclick the selected (doubleclicked) node expands and collapses. How can I stop my treeview doing that? Thanks.
  5. I have a simple form, including only a toolbar and a datagrid. When loaded, I want to set a start cell, so that the user can edit immediately without having to click into the cell. This is what I tried: Dim dgc As New DataGridCell(0, 1) Dim dgtb As DataGridTextBoxColumn '..... code Me.grdData.Focus() Me.grdData.CurrentCell = dgc dgtb = CType(Me.grdData.TableStyles(0).GridColumnStyles(1), DataGridTextBoxColumn) dgtb.TextBox.Focus() dgtb.TextBox.Select() Any ideas where I made a mistake?
  6. After I changed my properties from "little fonts" (96 dpi) to "big fonts" (120 dpi) one of my forms doesn't look as I designed it. All other forms keep their appearance. In this specific form I have a tabcontrol and therefore I think that this may cause my problem. Within my first tabpage I have a treeview and some textboxes, labels and so on. But my controls aren't visible, not at runtime and not in the dev environment. They changed their location and now they are somewhere out of sign. Has anyone an idea or does anyone know if this is a bug?
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