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Everything posted by Robby

  1. you can get checked items, but you still need to loop through the collection, For x = 0 To Listbox1.Items.Count - 1 If Listbox1.GetItemChecked(x) Then 'you can retrieve the ID (or Value) from the Dataset/DataTable '(using the X as the Row in the Dataset/DataTable) End If Next
  2. That means that your connection remains open. As I said, place the cn.close in the Finally. Finally allways gets excecuted.
  3. You are closing you connection in the Catch, you should do it in the Finally section. While you're at i verify the State first... Catch e As OleDbException MsgBox(e.Message) Finally if cn.state = [i]something[/i].Opened then cn.Close() 'sorry, I don't have .NET handy End Try
  4. Robby


    Thanks for a lean solution Derek, mine circled the airport a few times. Hehe :)
  5. Robby


    One way is to let the GetFeed take care of what's been loaded or not. And before doing a Thread.Start you can verify how many items are in the service list. If this doesn't make sense to you, let me know.
  6. Robby


    Here's a sample project to get you started. (It utilizes a User Control)timer sample.zip
  7. You need to distribute the DotNet Framework, it's a 21 MB exe that should be installed on all Windows machines running .NET applications. Once the Framework is installed they only need your EXE file. The Framework is found on your Visual Studio CD.
  8. you can use the Dataset Tables to get the selected item... ds.Tables(0).Rows(LeftSideListBox.SelectedIndex).Item(1) 'Tables(0)... is the first table (you can use the name instead 'Item(0)... is the ColumnIndex, you probably have 2 columns in this case.
  9. Robby


    Phile, what parameter do you want to pass, URL of sites to download? If so where is this list coming from? I think we can keep the threading aspect alive while changing some of the backend stuff. Can you spell out what the thread itself is doing.
  10. The link errors out, the msg is... Line 39: objCN.Close() Line 40: lblEmployeeID.Text = _ Line 41: objDS.Tables("EmployeeData").Rows(0)!EmployeeID It looks like a Dataset is feeding a Label, the rest of it may be a DataGrid or DataList (as wyrd said).
  11. I don't think you can bind to an HTML table. SOrry I didn't get it, what do you want to do?
  12. My thoughts exactly.
  13. You really don't need the CurrencyMAnager with a Datagrid. Post all your relevant code and we'll figure it out.
  14. you may need to use the DataTable... myDV = New DataView(myDT) myDV.AllowNew = False myDV.AllowDelete = False myDV.AllowEdit = True
  15. Since you're just starting out, perhaps it's best to read some tutorials before delving into code. Here's one from MS ....http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/Dndotnet/html/Usingadonet.asp
  16. I stumbled on this site... [edit]Link removed[/edit] They provide training videos for all aspects of .NET, it seems to be free of charge (I don't know why). I glanced at one for a few seconds and the audio/video quality is excellent. You should have at least DSL or patience for the download. [edit]Link to main site... http://www.learnvisualstudio.net[/edit]
  17. If you mean... all your code and Access database reside on the sane web server, you should be making your connections at runtime.
  18. If you were to use the object, it would automate the task. Just a thought.
  19. I heard that an upgrade will not be big bucks.
  20. A nice feature of .NET 2003 ... http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dv_vstechart/html/vbconVisualBasicNET2003LanguageChanges.asp
  21. Are the results of the 'data processing' going to be displayed to the user or is it some backend batch?
  22. WinFax has it's own ActiveX, it is very easy to use. I don't know if they have any .NET libraries yet.
  23. The selction of a node should "runat=server", there is no need to redirect, so the value of the textbox can still be there or postback.
  24. Robby


    Are you placing the PlaceHolder at runtime?
  25. When you call the array (the next time) is it after Posting the page? If not, then follow Little3Lue's advice.
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