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Everything posted by Robby

  1. Actualy what I had in mind was to place each checkbox relative to the previous (checkbox's) position.
  2. Unless I missunderstood the question entirely, wouldn't this work... CheckBox1.Text = "This is the text inside checkbox1 and it's quite long" CheckBox2.Top = CheckBox1.Top CheckBox2.Left = CheckBox1.Left + CheckBox1.Width + 10
  3. Did you guys consider if the text was so long in length the text wraps to a second line? The width of the caption would no longer be relative.
  4. you can also use Request.PhysicalApplicationPath
  5. put a DoEvents inside your loop, but keep in mind that the user can click/use other controls on the form during the loop, so you may want to disable some controls untill you finish.
  6. Hmm, this sounds weird. I checked it out at Crystal and it seems like your not the only one, here are a few search results there, many of them have no replies. :( http://support.crystaldecisions.com/forums/search/search_results.asp?search_text=CrystalDecisions%2EWeb%2EReportAgent&pagenumber=1&ps=100&sortby=&searchkey=0&forumid=1&forumid=5&forumid=9&forumid=7&forumid=70&forumid=72&forumid=74&forumid=76&forumid=78&forumid=80&forumid=69&forumid=71&forumid=77&forumid=320&forumid=321&forumid=341&forumid=82&forumid=251&forumid=254&forumid=256&forumid=258&forumid=260&forumid=255&forumid=257&forumid=259&forumid=261&forumid=312&forumid=382&forumid=385&forumid=386&forumid=383&forumid=384&forumid=309&forumid=310&forumid=311&forumid=342&forumid=343&forumid=344&forumid=87&search_attachments=
  7. Maybe use Left + Width + 10 (of the first control) to set the location of the second control.
  8. Is it inside a Control Box or Panel? If so, the location is relative to its' parent control.
  9. While using the Crystal Reports interface, are able to get data from the Stored Proc? Or is that where it errors out?
  10. I posted a sample project here http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=69464&highlight=printhttp://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=69464&highlight=print
  11. If you really want to use a Module, then declare the fo as Public,
  12. You can use Crytal Reports, but you should read the licensing/distribution from them. Or you can use the PrintDocument in .NET. (lots of code for complex reports)
  13. are you sure you put the ()
  14. mutant, just to correct the typo. this line should read.... AddHandler newctrl.Click, AddressOf [color=red]handler[/color]
  15. Cool stuff mutant, I didn't know about TextBox.ResetText()
  16. Avoid naming a variable the same as the type (listViewItem) Try this.... lvw.Columns.Add("First Column", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Center) lvw.Columns.Add("Second Column", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Center) lvw.Columns.Add("Third Column", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Center) lvw.Columns.Add("Forth Column", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Center) lvw.Columns.Add("Fifth Column", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Center) Dim ctr As Integer For ctr = 1 To 10 Dim item1 As New ListViewItem(ctr.ToString) item1.SubItems.Add("Two " & ctr.ToString) item1.SubItems.Add("Three " & ctr.ToString) item1.SubItems.Add("Four " & ctr.ToString) item1.SubItems.Add("Five " & ctr.ToString) lvw.Items.AddRange(New ListViewItem() {item1}) Next
  17. What does the code look like?
  18. using the DataSet Tables to find out... This will work on any clicked cell Private Sub DataGrid1_CurrentCellChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) messagebox.show(dataset1.Tables(0).Columns(Datagrid1.CurrentCell.ColumnNumber).ColumnName.ToString) End Sub
  19. I've noticed that almost all web-hosters are offering Windows servers, while only a couple of years ago the majority only offered unix/linux.
  20. Or you can have multiple tables associated with a single Dataset.
  21. Actually, a Dataset is always disconnected.
  22. you are passing wo As clsWorkOrder but not using it. ?? Is this entire routine (AddToDB) supposed to isert/update the database? If so, is it changes to a Datagrid, Dataset or ?
  23. Where are you setting the Update (statement) command to the OleDbCommand ?
  24. mackie, is your post for a problem you're having or is it to help Seth? Because this thread almost 2 months old.
  25. All we are is a drop of water in the ocean, what can/will they do?
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