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Everything posted by Robby

  1. Robby


    You can redim in chunks of 100.
  2. I would stick with local as much as possible.
  3. Have you tried to add a Blank Solution, then adding a Class to it?
  4. Since your textboxes are already bound, there's nothing else to do, simply call the Update method of the DataAdapter.
  5. 2000 refers to the full version SQL Server 2000, it's not free, MSDE is. As for the service packs, I don't know. Sorry.
  6. hehe, you can fool around with this project containing 6 forms until you get things fixed.sixforms.zip
  7. hey if all else fails, we can create a bunch of projects for you to use as templates. :)
  8. Very strange indeed. Create a New Solution in C#, see what happens.
  9. hmm, this weird. Try this... Open the sln (solution) in file I sent, right click the project(in the solution explorer) and Add New Item, then select Windows Forms.
  10. What are the exact steps you take when you do this.
  11. Download this sample and tell if it works.testapp.zip
  12. Hmm, I was sure that I tried that, no matter. IT WORKS :) You da man Volte.
  13. I found the funtion in question... Private Function ReadExcelData() As String(,) Dim arr(,) As String Dim EXL As New Excel.Application() Try Dim WSheet As New Excel.Worksheet() WSheet = CType(EXL.Workbooks.Open(Application.StartupPath & _ "\RegistrationsCourse\RegistrationCourses.xls").Worksheets.Item(1), Excel.Worksheet) EXL.Range("A1:D11").Select() Dim CData As Excel.Range CData = CType(EXL.Selection, Excel.Range) Dim iCol, iRow As Integer ReDim arr(11, 4) For iCol = 1 To 4 For iRow = 1 To 11 arr(iRow, iCol) = CType(CData(iRow, iCol).value, String) '<<<< This line Next Next Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show(ex.Message) Finally EXL.Workbooks.Close() EXL = Nothing End Try Return arr End Function
  14. FYI, the Option Strict and VB Functions Discussion are continued here http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=71107
  15. Late Binding not allowed.
  16. From the list of all VB functions ... CWhatever() , MsgBox(), Int() String Functions... The only one I do use is CType(), never CInt, Clng or Left$(),Mid$() etc... Nothing to do with C#, it's just the way like it.
  17. It'll work but only with Option Strict Off :(
  18. Look here for a runtime solution http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=70325 I never did it at design time but I'm sure it's possible.
  19. SO this works? ... "Select * from EMPLOYEES" and when you specify fields it doesn't? If so, then you may have miss-spelled a field name.
  20. Actually the old one is Option Expicit, the new one is Option Strict. That's the important one, it's a real must have. I can say I found one instance where I was forced to turn it off, :( 'CData being an Excel range... arr(iRow, iCol) = CType(CData(iRow, iCol).value, String)
  21. try this... I'm assigning the conn string locally only for this test. dim conn as string = "Provider = Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;" & _ "data source=c:\InetPub\wwwroot\ASPSample\ASPSample.mdb" Dim SQL as string = "select UserID, FirstName, LastName, " & _ "Address, City, State, ZipCode, HireDate, Position from EMPLOYEES" Dim empDA as new OleDB.OleDbDataAdapter(SQL, conn) Dim ds as new DataSet() empDA.Fill(ds) ds.Tables(0).TableName = "employees" EmployeeGrid.DataSource = ds EmployeeGrid.DataMember = "employees"
  22. Derek said "Start with MSDE, there's no excuse not to" This means during development and maybe QA, not for production.
  23. If all you want is a total count... "SELECT count(*) as totCount FROM Table"
  24. is dynamic_images the directory where you are accessing some images?
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