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Everything posted by Robby

  1. The following code goes to a url, reads the source and if all is good, it then downloads an image from that server(site). It works well, but only 80% of the time. I am always on-line, but once in a while it hangs for 30 seconds trying to establish an internet connection. Either there is something wrong in my method, or maybe I should poll my connection prior to running the code. Any thoughts. btw, I have the same logic working perfectly in VB6, using an Inet control. Dim sHtml As String Dim sr As IO.StreamReader Dim wc As New Net.WebClient() sr = New IO.StreamReader(wc.OpenRead(m_URL)) sHtml = sr.ReadToEnd sr.DiscardBufferedData() sr.Close() wc.Dispose() 'if the above succeeds then .... Dim wc As New Net.WebClient() wc.DownloadFile(URL_IMAGE & sDir & "/" & sName, sName) wc.Dispose() SetImageBox(sName)
  2. Ariez, is 'mastering VB.net in pdf' a book/CD?
  3. Funny thing is I find that m_var sticks out more than _var, that being said, I started using the former. To be honest, I'm not sure that I'm comfortable with it. btw, I do the same in C# as in VB.
  4. This may help http://ms-help://MS.VSCC/MS.MSDNVS/cpguide/html/cpconnavigatingrelationshipbetweentwotables.htm
  5. Nice function Nerseus. (the first one)
  6. Brad, the problems Tex is having are quite different.
  7. If it's the click event you want, you can also do this... btnMyButton.PerformClick() 'or mnuMyMenu.PerformClick()
  8. Here are the contents of VBWizards [edit]removed attachement[/edit]
  9. If there's more, then why not share???
  10. Hog means the Server Explorer in your VS IDE.
  11. Just expand on Volte's solution, add this line after his Dim temp line... if temp.length = 10 then return true else return false end if 'then in the Validating event of the text box do this... if IsNumber(textbox4.text.tostring) then Button2.Enabled = True else Button2.Enabled = false end if
  12. oh, I thought the service needs to run.
  13. Actually, by default it should have a closing tag. (As in your first example.) [edit]Sorry, I miss-read your question, It is ok to use the second method, but I don't know how to set it as default within the designer.
  14. 1. This can be done using SQL Scripts or those scripts can be run from .NET. 2. You don't have to, but it is recommended. 3. The service needs to run.
  15. sorry, I forgot the Insert statement... In case you want to write to a table outside the current DB.... "INSERT INTO Table1( Field1,Field2,Field3,Field4) _ IN 'D:/Path/Datbase.mdb' _ SELECT Field1,Field2,Field3,Field4 _ FROM Table2" Both parts of this string must have the same number of fields and data types.
  16. You can use this function to do it, just change all the SQL for OleDB ... http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=70299&highlight=ExecuteNonQuery
  17. You can use the Insert Into (sql) statement of the ExecuteNonQuery method of the OleDBCommand.
  18. Yes I know, that's why I said... Since your textboxes are already bound, there's nothing else to do, simply call the Update method of the DataAdapter.
  19. Idiot me, I should've look closer.
  20. quwiltw from what I gather, there's only one table.
  21. I'll get you an image later tonight. (when I get home) Or if someone else can be so kind.
  22. Which dir?
  23. read this ... http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=49392&highlight=Standard+edition
  24. Have your tried a complete uninstall of VS?
  25. In that case I would probably make it a Class member.
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