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Everything posted by Robby

  1. Place your controls in html Table tags then all that into a panel
  2. What type of report? Is this WebForm or WinForm? How are you currently displaying the data?
  3. I found a fix... Un-install Framework 1.1, this will remove SP1, then re-install FrameWork 1.1 and things should work as expected. And DO NOT re-install the SP.
  4. It seems that someone installed SP1 on my box and I have the same problem as you Paul, what is the fix? The article says that there's a link to a download but I don't see it.
  5. Check if indeed you still have the file WebUIValidation.js in your wwwroot\aspnet_client\system_web\<version>\ If you do have this file in tact then I would run the fix.
  6. LOL :) ......
  7. Insallation of what, VS or your own application
  8. Use an "Insert Into" statement alson with ExecuteNonQuery of the Command object. The blocking is probably because you left a connection open.
  9. How are you releasing the COM object?
  10. Good point Tate, there are some that even place the Database folder outside your root application directory. Usually at the same level. In that case they will give you the physical path of the location.
  11. I did the same test with a loop to 5000 yes five thousand and it works fine try this instead... for (int i=0; i<200; i++) DropDownList1.Items.Add(i.ToString);
  12. In case anyone is wondering, the "c" at the end of text.Split(" "c) is simply to cast the character to char when have Option Strict On in your code page. (Which you all should)
  13. Just to expand on Bucky's sample, and as he mentioned you can split on a series of characters...In this case <test> string[] words; string text = "First Item<test>Second item<test>Third item<test>Forth item"; words = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(text, "<test>");
  14. Yes it would...
  15. Verify the data in the list for special characters, there may be one that is hindering the postback.
  16. Read this... http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=78583&highlight=Thread+aborted
  17. Or you can go back to Win2k which has never had that problem.
  18. What method are you using to fill the list box?
  19. I've always prefered to save only the path string in the DB, never the image.
  20. The answer is Yes, also, you may want to read this ... http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=87975&highlight=sp2%2A
  21. You can (using JS) postback with a queryString and handle this request on the server.
  22. Mikey, you most likey used the design-time to create your Update statement, go to where the generated code is (the update statement) and modify it to reflect your table structure.
  23. Set EnableViewState to False on any control that does not need it, if the control is populated on each postBack wheather from cache or DB then you don't need the viewstate. Don't go crazy and disable all of them in one shot, do it by section and unit test each occurance.
  24. Through scripting? If so... [myColumn] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL
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