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Everything posted by Robby

  1. It's parent can be the Form, Panel, GroupBox etc.
  2. The HasChanges checks at the table level, it may (I doubt it) have one at the row level.
  3. If you're not using a DAtaview, this'll get you satarted.. Dim sTable As String = "myTable" Dim dt As New DataTable(sTable) dt = ds.Tables(sTable) Dim dv As New DataView(dt) Datagrid1.DataSource = dv dv.AllowDelete = False dv.AllowEdit = False dv.AllowNew = False
  4. If your'e using a Dataview, simply do this... DataView1.DataSource = False
  5. Here are few ... http://www.google.ca/search?q=beginner+tutorials+vb.net&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en
  6. If you're using Settings, then you can do this... Dim Settings(,) As String = GetAllSettings("SomeApp", "SomeSection") If Not Settings Is Nothing Then 'Exists else 'Does not end if
  7. the first line sets focus on the control, the second one selects an item (row) lvw.Focus() 'select third item lvw.Items.Item(2).Selected = True
  8. I think it's count.. ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count
  9. you can also have a look at this thread to check on numerics... http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=71139
  10. you did not decalre vd1
  11. Raju, take look 6 posts up... Vidhya found the solution already.
  12. So even a bran new project won't run?
  13. Before updating you need to change the DataAdapter's command to an Update statement (not a Select statement). Then use the Update method of the DataAdapter to actually update.
  14. Ok so your main aspx page is available and working ?
  15. Where and how frequently are you calling CreateExcel() ?
  16. If you want something more advanced.... VB http://www.wrox.com/books/1861007167.htm C# http://www.wrox.com/books/1861007043.htm ADO http://www.wrox.com/books/186100527X.htm ASP http://www.wrox.com/books/1861007035.htm I don't work for Wrox, but they are my favorite (for .NET), I have read a couple of others and would not recommend them.
  17. What is your question?
  18. Quite? That's an understatement. :)
  19. This may have been caused by moving or renaming the directory. Open Internet Services Manager (in Admin Tools) then find your project in the tree, right-click and select Create in the dialog.
  20. What's not working, browsing for files or running your windows application?
  21. I'm an idiot for not figuring it out sooner (even though I started this project only yesterday), because in the past, any project that used SqlClient would cause the fire-wall to prompt (allow / disallow) after each compile, to get around this I would change the incrementing version number to a fixed number. I had assumed that once WebClient was passed the fire-wall any subsequent request would be OK'ed as well. Live and learn :) Thanks for the idea Derek, I may still use asynch approach.
  22. Do you want the title to be inside the textbox or outside as if it was a label attached to the textbox. (The same way that MS Access handles it when you paint a textbox on a form?)
  23. Hmm, When I disable my fire-wall it works great, so I changed the version number in the AssemblyInfo to a fixed value and all is well. Thanks.
  24. It's probably not establishing a connection, but it's waiting for one. The same as when you open IE but you're not on-line, it may wait for a while (not always 30 seconds though). I have a VB6 version which works 100% of the time, so I'm doubting it's the server. The asynch is an idea, I'll give it a go. Thanks.
  25. There are a few options you can change, Tools > Options > HTML/XML > Format... When I enter <input type="submit" value="Save"> it stays as is, even after compile and save.
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